View Full Version : Anxiety/sleep/med reduction update, For those who asked

03-11-2016, 07:12 AM
A few of you have asked me to keep you posted on my progress with my sleep/anxiety related issues.

I guess its been 2 months now since i stared using a CPAP machine to sleep.....Oh I sleep so much better and feel like a new man. Anxiety has been minimal, i think it may be what is considered normal..so far I have not blown things out of proportion.

As a result of sleeping better and lower anxiety I have been weening off meds. I have been off of Clonazipam for a week now...very minor withdrawal symptoms, just a bit irritable and a slight headache, they should pass soon. Also I am down to 10mg of Lexapro down from 20mg, and have no problems with decreased dose. I may drop to 5mg this weekend and see how it goes.

Also something I discovered, for last two years I have felt like dirt, no energy or ambition, that being said I discovered it was an antibiotic that I have been on for 2 years causing me to feel like dirt. Due to an adverse reaction, i stopped taking it with Drs approval and i feel like my old full of energy self. I have been working myself silly at home trying to catch up everything that I have let slide for the last 2 years. Its amazing. I will also add that I have lost 11 pounds since I stopped taking med, 3 weeks ago. I had gained about 30 over the course of last 2 years. I am a bit of a health nut so it was driving me crazy that I could not get my weight under control. Now I can actually get out of bed and go to gym in the mornings.

Just wanted to share that because some of you may have same issue and nor realize it. I had no clue until I stopped taking the med.

So all is well.

03-13-2016, 07:37 PM
So glad to hear it! That is very good news.

03-17-2016, 12:45 PM
Fantastic! Keep on this way! :)

cloudy black
03-18-2016, 10:39 AM
welldone gadguy funny that i use a CRAP Cleaner ..not the same ...yes if you have a good sleep that helps with the anxiety immensley. question why were you on antibiotic 2 years i wonder. now those will compromise your immune system. doc sounds a bit ...zip...

but its great that you are on the road to weening yourself off meds. and it is fab that you are doing it responsibly.

03-18-2016, 04:53 PM
Doxycycline caused my anxiety and depression to potentiate. I'm off it now but am still not back to my old self. Apparently some of the good gut flora which antibiotics kill as well, helps produce chemicals needed for the brain.

cloudy black
03-19-2016, 05:08 AM
Doxycycline caused my anxiety and depression to potentiate. I'm off it now but am still not back to my old self. Apparently some of the good gut flora which antibiotics kill as well, helps produce chemicals needed for the brain.

hello StCicada 0h that really sucks. how about looking at this link and see what you think

03-19-2016, 10:00 AM
Thank you CloudyBlack! Going to get some yogurt next time I go food shopping, probably Monday.