View Full Version : So Excited To Have Found This Website! Suffer With Panic Attacks

03-09-2016, 11:27 PM
I am so happy to have found this forum as it seems to be a wealth of support and encouragement for people with anxiety disorders as well as other mental health conditions that often go hand in hand with panic attacks or other forms of anxiety. I have suffered with panic attacks for half of my life and have had some really bad episodes, so I can definitely say that I know what a panic attack feels like and the terror that goes along with it...my last attack was so severe and prompted me to call 911 as I was terrified in that I was having major symptoms. After that episode it prompted me to create a website to help people who suffer with panic attacks or who have progressed to panic disorder as well as other mental health conditions that sometimes coincide with panic attacks...I wanted to develop a social media/forum site for people to be able to come together and share and support as that is so comforting when dealing with this type of anxiety disorder...panicattackcentral.com was created as a place to come and share and to realize that you are not alone and many others suffer with this same type of anxiety disorder..the website is still in it's infancy but I wanted to share as I feel it would be another resource as I feel, speaking for myself, that anyone who suffers with panic attacks feels so much more secure in knowing there are places to go in which to join with others who truly know how it feels to suffer with this type of very disturbing anxiety disorder...