View Full Version : werid leg twitches and very tired help!!!!!

09-25-2008, 09:23 PM
I am having werid leg twitches that makes me feel very unstable and uncomftaball. i am also feeling very tired. Is this a part of anxiety. Feels like the world is going up and down like a boat. This scares me help..

09-25-2008, 10:37 PM
Hey louis. First off, you are OK....just relax!!! Nothing bad will happen to you. Twitching CAN be caused by anxiety, but it won't hurt you. If you're feeling weak, do youself a favor. Lie down and watch some TV!!! Take some time out to care for your mind and body by relaxing a little bit. Tiredness is also VERY common to people who suffer from anxiety because you are SO worked up throughout the whole day...it's like you're stuck in "fight or flight" mode. These are normal things to experience with anxiety though, so dont panic. You are okay :) I know it's scary that the world feels like it's going up and down like a boat, but believe me - nothing bad will happen to you. Just lie down and relax for the rest of the night or day (not sure what time it is where you're at).

Are you seeing a doctor at all or are these new symptoms? I would recommend seeing a doctor. They can give you medication to help get your symptoms under control. It's also possible that if you don't get good sleep and your legs are always on the go that you may have restless legs syndrome. Again, THIS IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!!! It's easily treatable IF you have it, but it's nothing to worry about. Just make sure you give your doctor a call, schedule an appointment with them and ask to speak with them about whether or not you have anxiety. If it turns out that you do, I would recommend getting a good therapist to help you as well. Medication will help, but therapy will make it THAT much more effective!!

Post back and let us know how you're doing. I assure you this will pass and you'll be OK.

09-26-2008, 06:04 AM
Don't worry louisrapisarda I get that twitching feeling myself. Its happens to me quite often too, its just your anxiety, its trying to get your attention so that you worry. Just calm down (easier said than done, I know) but its the best thing you can do. Don't worry we will all get through this together. :console: