View Full Version : Will the anxiety ever go away?!

03-06-2016, 06:49 PM
I am new to this forum and haven't really explored it yet, but I am desperate for help and answers. I am a 26 year old female and have always suffered from mild anxiety but have ALWAYS had it under control, until January. I had an ocular migraine at work due to stress after finding out I had a job interview coming up. I went through with the interview - long story short, I got the new job and now I am freaking out about it. I start in a few weeks and ever since I found out I got it, I cannot calm down. I haven't eaten much due to no appetite and sometimes nausea; I can only stomach small things and Ensure. I had to miss a few days of my current job over the last few weeks due to severe anxiety. I haven't left the house (besides work) for a few weeks because now I seem to have social anxiety on top of this; I can't even go to family events anymore. I can't concentrate on my favorite TV shows/movies because of anxiety. I love to exercise, but haven't been able to because I haven't been eating much, so I don't have anything to burn. I get daily anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I wake up with my heart racing every morning thinking I am going to fail at this new job and wondering if I am making the right decision taking it. It isn't JUST the new job either: it's also a fear of getting older, eventually getting married/having kids, losing someone I love, etc. I constantly have brain fog and can't control my thoughts. It is starting to really worry me.

I started 5mg of Lexapro 9 days ago and haven't had any success yet with it. I also do weekly acupuncture and daily meditation, but it isn't doing anything. I feel like I am going crazy. My thoughts are taking over my life. I am unable to calm down. I just want to sleep all day and when I wake up, the anxiety is still there. I don't know what else to do. My family is so supportive, but I feel like I am annoying them now because it's all I ever talk about and dwell on. Will this ever go away?! What has helped you manage your anxiety?

03-06-2016, 07:12 PM
I am new to this forum and haven't really explored it yet, but I am desperate for help and answers. I am a 26 year old female and have always suffered from mild anxiety but have ALWAYS had it under control, until January. I had an ocular migraine at work due to stress after finding out I had a job interview coming up. I went through with the interview - long story short, I got the new job and now I am freaking out about it. I start in a few weeks and ever since I found out I got it, I cannot calm down. I haven't eaten much due to no appetite and sometimes nausea; I can only stomach small things and Ensure. I had to miss a few days of my current job over the last few weeks due to severe anxiety. I haven't left the house (besides work) for a few weeks because now I seem to have social anxiety on top of this; I can't even go to family events anymore. I can't concentrate on my favorite TV shows/movies because of anxiety. I love to exercise, but haven't been able to because I haven't been eating much, so I don't have anything to burn. I get daily anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I wake up with my heart racing every morning thinking I am going to fail at this new job and wondering if I am making the right decision taking it. It isn't JUST the new job either: it's also a fear of getting older, eventually getting married/having kids, losing someone I love, etc. I constantly have brain fog and can't control my thoughts. It is starting to really worry me.

I started 5mg of Lexapro 9 days ago and haven't had any success yet with it. I also do weekly acupuncture and daily meditation, but it isn't doing anything. I feel like I am going crazy. My thoughts are taking over my life. I am unable to calm down. I just want to sleep all day and when I wake up, the anxiety is still there. I don't know what else to do. My family is so supportive, but I feel like I am annoying them now because it's all I ever talk about and dwell on. Will this ever go away?! What has helped you manage your anxiety?

I have some of the same issues with anxiety. I'm also on lexapro and have been for years. It's gotten better but it's still there. You have to work on coping techniques also. Surround yourself with people who understand or are willing to listen that's really important

03-06-2016, 07:38 PM
Congrats on the new job! That's exciting, be happy about it. They hired you because they believe in you!

I've been dealing with panic attacks/anxiety for 20 years. It hasn't totally gone away, but I have learned to live with it. I haven't had a full blown panic attack in a long long time. My anxiety seems to be at its worst when I have a big change in my life, like losing a job or breaking up with a girlfriend. Medication can help, but you have to be careful not to get addicted some of the stuff out there. Your Lexapro is probably going to need a couple more weeks to see if it helps. The best thing I have found is to just do it anyway. I can feel like I'm going to die and totally freaking out inside, but I force myself to do things anyway. It's tough, but it works and you become more confident.

03-07-2016, 02:57 PM
Anxiety is not bad if it is controlled well. I personally would avoid medicine and try other remedies to deal with it. Classical music or some Enya music does wonders. Similarly a ,walk or jog or any other form of exercise is good. The body releases endorphins and it creates a sense of well being.

Congrats on the new job and relax :)