View Full Version : Please Read (Is This All Anxiety?)

03-05-2016, 08:10 AM
Well, here goes nothing.. please read the post all the way through. Basically I have been stuck in this cycle ever since having a panic-attack. Now I am having stupid worries which is keeping me stuck. I am wondering if it all comes back to fear of fear, fear of anxiety/panic. I will try to be as detailed as possible. I am having stupid triggers like, what-if I go crazy or it never ends or I am stuck in this cycle forever, I fear the anxiety and panic and it being forever lasting. I have worries like, what-if I can't get here or there "in time" (whatever that means) what-if I can't get a hold of this person or that person, what-if I become stuck. What-if there is no way out of this panic/anxiety and it goes on forever and ever. I worry worry worry, searching and worrying. My life is like a new life, filled with dread doom and fear. It has made me become afraid of EVERYTHING, and super worried (of course) I have seen slight improvement, slight. My MAIN question is, should I accept & not fight against the thoughts/triggers/worries/panic? Just kinda surrender to it instead of feeding it? Kinda like Dr. Claire Weekes says.. face the anxiety head-on, do not try to run from it? Any advice would be nice..

(What do I do about these thoughts/worries/panic/anxious feelings) I feel stuck, I keep thinking odd/scary things about having to run and get out. It makes me worry about anything and everything... I am literally afraid/worried about everything in the world because of this, always searching/planning, constant brain-chatter. Boarding panic.

I was not always this way, maybe always a little anxious, but not like this, constantly. I am always planning ways out just in case but run into loop-holes in my plans. I am afraid of one day being stuck in a never ending big "BOOM" moment of panic, going crazy, etc, etc.

I am afraid of the outside world in a way (agoraphobia) more now than before. However all my "getting away from this" plans involve leaving and running here or there. So it's like, boom, another loop-hole. Trying to plan escape.

When I come up with a plan for "escape", I find myself thinking, well that escape will only be temporary! If it even works, and it'll come back and back and back! Stuff like that...

Like, what-if I need to go to a mental hospital asap and can't get there! What-if What-if What-if. Which leads to a bunch of anxiety constantly.

So to sum it up, I feel trapped, afraid. Constant anxiety.

03-05-2016, 08:57 AM
Well, here goes nothing.. please read the post all the way through. Basically I have been stuck in this cycle ever since having a panic-attack. Now I am having stupid worries which is keeping me stuck. I am wondering if it all comes back to fear of fear, fear of anxiety/panic. I will try to be as detailed as possible. I am having stupid triggers like, what-if I go crazy or it never ends or I am stuck in this cycle forever, I fear the anxiety and panic and it being forever lasting. I have worries like, what-if I can't get here or there "in time" (whatever that means) what-if I can't get a hold of this person or that person, what-if I become stuck. What-if there is no way out of this panic/anxiety and it goes on forever and ever. I worry worry worry, searching and worrying. My life is like a new life, filled with dread doom and fear. It has made me become afraid of EVERYTHING, and super worried (of course) I have seen slight improvement, slight. My MAIN question is, should I accept & not fight against the thoughts/triggers/worries/panic? Just kinda surrender to it instead of feeding it? Kinda like Dr. Claire Weekes says.. face the anxiety head-on, do not try to run from it? Any advice would be nice..

(What do I do about these thoughts/worries/panic/anxious feelings) I feel stuck, I keep thinking odd/scary things about having to run and get out. It makes me worry about anything and everything... I am literally afraid/worried about everything in the world because of this, always searching/planning, constant brain-chatter. Boarding panic.

I was not always this way, maybe always a little anxious, but not like this, constantly. I am always planning ways out just in case but run into loop-holes in my plans. I am afraid of one day being stuck in a never ending big "BOOM" moment of panic, going crazy, etc, etc.

I am afraid of the outside world in a way (agoraphobia) more now than before. However all my "getting away from this" plans involve leaving and running here or there. So it's like, boom, another loop-hole. Trying to plan escape.

When I come up with a plan for "escape", I find myself thinking, well that escape will only be temporary! If it even works, and it'll come back and back and back! Stuff like that...

Like, what-if I need to go to a mental hospital asap and can't get there! What-if What-if What-if. Which leads to a bunch of anxiety constantly.

So to sum it up, I feel trapped, afraid. Constant anxiety.

I know this hasn't been up long, but any thoughts..?

03-05-2016, 10:31 AM
I know this hasn't been up long, but any thoughts..?


03-05-2016, 02:24 PM


03-08-2016, 03:08 PM
Ok first thing is that you really need to calm down and get a good grip on yourself. Thi k positively :)l you are the owner...and not anxiety. I know it is not easy. We've all been through it here.

Try to listen to some classical or chill out music or do some exercise ( body releases endorphins and you feel uplifted). Even a short walk helps.

Eventually it will fade away, Accept it, it is not bad that you feel anxious, just do not let it win over you.