View Full Version : Mild dizziness from anxiety

Luke Dale
03-05-2016, 05:43 AM
Hello everyone,

On new years day of this year I suddenly started to get palpitations, chest pain and adrenaline rushes, which my GP tentatively suggested was probably anxiety (after and ECG and blood work came back fine). I am happy enough to accept this diagnosis, as there are several long-term sources of stress in my life at the moment, even though I would generally consider myself quite relaxed (!). In general, the symptoms have improved over the past couple of months (I think knowing it's not a heart attack helps calm me down!). In the last few days/ week, though, I've started to feel very mild dizziness every afternoon. It's not stopping me from living life (I have never fainted or fallen), but it does make me feel slightly 'off' for most of the day. I have done enough reading on anxiety to know that dizziness, headaches etc. are a very common symptom, and are often worse than the 'mild' symptoms I'm feeling, but I would like to know if it is normal for symptoms to 'change' or 'progress' over time (in my case, from chest pain and breathlessness to mild dizziness and malaise). I will of course go to the GP to get this checked, but I'd rather not worry about it until then! I'd appreciate any help you can give with the admittedly limited information I have provided,
All the best, L.

03-07-2016, 02:52 PM
Hi Luke,

Anxiety obviously brings out various symptoms and it manifests in various ways in different people. 3years ago my dd had a major heart surgery and there were some complications. I was still recovering from the death of my , so you can imagine the situation.

I did feel so e of the symptoms you mentioned, however I also was not sleeping well. Are you having issues wth lack of sleep that may be causing you to feel that way?

Diziness can also be caused from an issue with balance. So if anxiety is ruled out by your doctor, I would ask about the ENT aspect as well, nothing too loose at the end of the day right ? :)

Keep strong ,you control your anxiety ( if it is anxiety) and not the other way round.

Cheers, from the little island of Malta :)