View Full Version : travel

03-02-2016, 12:24 PM
So I came across this travel job program right.. I wanna know if anyone has ever done this before? I really see this as a way for me to "get out". It will feel good to just get away from my home town for awhile. I also feel like, how am I just gonna pack and leave like that? Is this the right way? Traveling with people I never met b4. That can be good and bad.. I probably would feel so much better about myself though, being that I made a step on my own. Ig what Im trying to say is I dont wanna make a decision I would regret but its like how would I know if I dont try. My mind is all over right now guys

03-02-2016, 01:43 PM

It is up to you! (I know...sorry :D) I would advise you to gather any information you could to see if it is safe! (That is very important) Think about how you could adapt to different cultures and laws. What travel insurance you need or is it part of the job. Maybe some feedback from those who have tried this already! These would help you feel safe and decide easier. If you go, don't just pack up, tell your family where you are heading :) It is good you are ready to experience new things! Just be safe!:)

I think a lot of information can be found on this site for example : https://www.interexchange.org/travel-abroad/work-travel/

03-02-2016, 05:17 PM
I went and joined the USN when I was 23. I didn't come home for 15 years. I say "go for it". What do you have to loose? Worst case scenario... quit and come home. I'm glad I got to see some of the world!