View Full Version : Medical ID?

03-01-2016, 08:12 PM
Hello my name is Sarah!

I am in high scho and this year I have been having bad panic attacks during school hours. People will find me and usually get the nurse but even the nurses at the school do not know what to do. I am selectively mute and almost never can talk in these situations so I cannot explain what is going on and have had small anxiety attacks escalate into hour long panic attacks. I have had the hospital called and have had people think I am having a heart attack, seizure, or ashma attack. I want a way to at least have someone know what is happening to me and know no matter how they push I cannot talk sometimes and such.

I was recently suggested to get a medical braclet and I am unsure about it. I do not know if that is acceptable for this sort of thing and what I would put on it

Any helping words or opinions?

03-01-2016, 08:42 PM
Hey Sarah. Sorry to hear you are have panic attacks. It sucks, I've been there.

Have you talked to a doctor?

03-01-2016, 10:01 PM
Hey Sarah. Sorry to hear you are have panic attacks. It sucks, I've been there.

Have you talked to a doctor?

Somewhat. I have a therapist as of a few month ago though theraphy may not be for me as I keave her office feeling worse than before. I also have been emitted to an emergency clinic before for a suicide issue. Besides that I am on a long waiting list to see a shrink to get diagnoised so I can get assistance in college if possible

It is very hard hard for me to go to the doctors in my family , I have two autisic brothers so they are top priority as well as low income and tight scedules. Sadly as a dependent doctor wise there is not much I can do without parental help there

03-02-2016, 09:32 AM
Hey Tigerparadise,

A MedicAlert type medical bracelet is a good idea, but you could manage, at least in the short term, with a card (perhaps laminated) explaining that you suffer from selective mutism and panic / anxiety attacks.

I suggest that you view http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34318-Looking-For-Ideas about panic and anxiety attacks.

The information that I'm aware of is that a true panic attack can only last a maximum of around 25 or 30 minutes, so yours may be anxiety attacks, at least some of the time.

Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind; view http://myfavoriteinterests.com/hypnosis/ about what it is, and isn't. 85% of people are suggestible to some degree; 15% - 20% highly so, and 15% - 20% aren't much at all, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, www.hypnoticworld.com has one on overcoming selective mutism that can be downloaded inexpensively at around $8.00. See http://www.hypnoticworld.com/hypnosis-scripts/childrens-issues/mutism

More at https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=selective+mutism+hypnotherapy&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Your brothers may well benefit from optimising their vitamin D levels, and a Gluten Free/Casein Free diet, low in oxalates; see http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/w.html

Check out http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Autism

View my post on vitamin D at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34051-Wobbly-eyesight

There is also a long thread about vitamin D here, at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?12695-Vitamin-D3-Cured-my-Anxiety-Depression-and-Panic-Disorder&highlight=vitamin so I suggest having your levels checked, as a deficiency in it can also result in secondary deficiencies of B group vitamins, which cause anxiety.

Below 5: 35 units per pound per day
Age 5 - 10: 2500 units
Adults: 5000 units
Pregnant Women: 5000

Show, print, or refer your parents to the above.

03-02-2016, 10:02 AM
Sarah, your issues are as equally important as your brothers. You need to discuss what is going on with your parents. Having a trusted family doctor and therapist, on board, is important to your recovery. I know I wouldn't have got where I am today without mine. Have you checked in your area for some type of assistance? How about talking to a school counselor?

If the medical ID bracelet will make you feel more secure, get yourself one.

I know you can get through this. If I can do it, anyone can. It may seem daunting at this time, but you can do it. You have a long beautiful life waiting for you to live out!