View Full Version : Can't get a job cause of anxiety issues

03-01-2016, 07:37 AM
Hi I'm 31 and have debts and bills to pay, but can't get a job. I pluck up the courage to call the agencies get interviews scheduled but I just can't turn up to them. My panicking kicks in makes me so tired and the interview's I have managed to attend I haven't got whuch knocks me back over and over. I have loads of office experience but no faith in myself that I can get the job. Anyone know any tips to help me with my confidence and to control the anxiety attacks I get before and during them?

Thanks in advance and have a lovely day

salvator here
03-01-2016, 10:24 AM
Hi again Jenna.

I'm going through the same thing here and feeling much of the same as you regarding anxiety and self doubt about working. I never did very well on interviews tbh and I usually got the job because I knew somebody and the company just took a chance on me. I know I come across as anxious and nervous and I even stumble on the most basic of questions I'm asked. I think its great you are showing up for the interviews. I suppose we should sleep well the night before - put all worry aside and should show up neat and tidy and answer any questions asked without feeling the need to overdue and embellish too much. Also, if possible try to research ahead of time the job requirements and duties so this way we aren't caught off guard at the interview.

Lets be optimistic and go into this with a fresh new attitude this year - we can do this!!!

PS: Another thing to recommend since you're new; search [employment] and [unemployment] using the search feature on this forum and there are many threads here with loads of good information. I've been reading up here and have already found other members stories quite helpful. Good luck.

03-01-2016, 03:58 PM

I am job hunting like you. I am not afraid of the interviews. I am afraid of the work that comes after scoring a job (I am very, very afraid of messing things up).

-First if they invited you, this means the are interested in you, they think you can do it! Get courage from this. :)

-Second, they are people as well with flaws. No one is perfect and no one expects it from you either.

-Before an interview I often watch subliminal positive message videos. They help reprogram my mind somewhow, I recommend them to you as well.
It is also okay to be nervous, it is natural no one is going to judge you for it :)

-I also tell myself that some people I know (who, forgive me, but are dumb as hell) hold similar jobs I am applying for. If they can do it I should be able as well! I should not limit or belittle myself. Because lets face it, the major obstacle I have to overcome is my fear and nothing else, I am the one sabotaging myself and this needs to stop. I should love myself and respect myself instead as I am now already.

-Get a piece of paper and write down the things you are good at. Then write down those areas where you want to improve and the steps you are planning to make. These are all things that can make you proud and convince them to hire you.

-Don't forget that no one comes to a job interview knowing everything 100% about the position already and even more. There are things that we might not know but can learn. If you are willing to learn it is a positive thing in their eyes.

-Get to know the company and the position you are applying for better. See how you would fit in. Imagine getting that call, the feeling it would evoke. Imagine yourself working for them already. Visualize your desk, the motivational quote you would put on it. And the mug you would take to the office to drink your daily coffe. See yourself doing your daily tasks. -> These all help you reduce stress about the unknown, while conditioning your brain for the upcoming job :)

-And don't forget: as much as you need them, they need you as well, it should be a balanced business relationship don't underestimate yourself :)

03-02-2016, 01:39 AM
Wow Thank you so much for this advice. This really has got me thinking more positively, I will definitely try these pointers. It's so strange how I can get through some situations but not others. I hope that you are doing ok, good luck with your future positions. We can smash this! Xx

03-02-2016, 01:42 AM
Thank you so much for the help and guidance, I will be searching unemployment on here next now so thank you. It's always helpful to hear other peoples challenges and how they overcome them. I'm really thankful for your reply. Hope you are doing ok. Xx

Mara Vallejo
03-02-2016, 01:44 AM
What about freelancing online?

03-02-2016, 02:45 PM
I think online freelancing is a little bit more instable or can be as frightening for someoone with anxiety, because you actually have to do your own bookeeping and pay taxes, making deals for stuff. If it works for you then it is very good. If you feel a little bit shy about marketing yourself or making deals for webpages/translation/tech writing/skype teaching or whatever online activity you can do then it is not ideal. But who knows, until you try?:)

salvator here
03-02-2016, 11:34 PM
Yeah.. I think working from home would only add to my trouble, It would give me permission to never leave the house and I would get stuck in serious loner mode. As my main job, wouldn't be too good, but for a 2nd job, might be nice actually and worth checking into further.