View Full Version : Antibiotics/depression/exhaustion Just a personal observation

02-29-2016, 07:09 AM
Just recently, I have started to ween off my meds, Clonazipam and Lexapro, the reason is I have started sleeping with a CPAP machine and have noticed my anxiety levels to be much lower...believing that my constant state of exhaustion caused a lot of my anxiety or amplified it.

However I have still had no energy, the slightest things exhausted me and turned me into a couch potato, this has gone one for last 2 years. I was recently on the antibiotic Doxycycline for an inflamed prostate, it is the same drug I take for Rosacia. The last round of this antibiotic I had a severe reaction to it, causing my Rosacia to flare up bad. Dr took me off of it last Monday....by about Thursday of last week I all of a sudden had my energy back, motivation, etc.....I feel good again. I worked all weekend at home cleaning and throwing stuff out, there was a lot to do, the last two years I have done the bare minimum. I also just realized that it was 2 years ago I was put on ORACIA( Doxycyline) for my Rosacia. I had been blaming it on depression or perhaps low hormone levels, now I am guessing I was wrong. Just something to think about.