View Full Version : Cold hands, legs and arms

02-28-2016, 02:55 PM
I posted a question a few days ago about pins and needles. That has since subsided (for now) but a new symptom has arisen. My legs are freezing, like someone is touching them with ice! I had a weeks worth of high anxiety and stress...Has anyone else had this after having a period of high stress?

Thank you for you responses.

02-28-2016, 03:22 PM
I am having the exact same thing right now! Well, it's subsided greatly because I've pretty much been ignoring it, but it's like either someone holding ice against you (like you said,) or like really cold water going through your veins. Sometimes I have to check my elbow to make sure it isn't actually wet!

Mine seems to be concentrated in my elbows mainly, not sure why, and also my calves. I had something very similar about six/seven months ago. Not nice. But as we're both experiencing the same thing, I'm gonna guess that we're both just anxious.

It's horrible, isn't it? :( But don't worry, you're absolutely not alone.

02-28-2016, 06:32 PM
I am having the exact same thing right now! Well, it's subsided greatly because I've pretty much been ignoring it, but it's like either someone holding ice against you (like you said,) or like really cold water going through your veins. Sometimes I have to check my elbow to make sure it isn't actually wet!

Mine seems to be concentrated in my elbows mainly, not sure why, and also my calves. I had something very similar about six/seven months ago. Not nice. But as we're both experiencing the same thing, I'm gonna guess that we're both just anxious.

It's horrible, isn't it? :( But don't worry, you're absolutely not alone.
It is terrible, I'm worried that I have nerve damage...So painful! How long does it generally last for you?

02-28-2016, 06:48 PM
Hm...I don't think I had it quite like you do. it doesn't feel like ice being held against my skin, and it doesn't hurt, but my legs and arms do get really cold when I am anxious, especially at night when I can't sleep and I am just worrying. It is really unpleasant, tho. For me, it lasts as long as the anxiety lasts, or at least until the anxiety dampens a bit.

Do you think taking a hot shower could help? Or better yet, a bath? Maybe if you can get a handle on some of the physical symptoms, the anxiety itself will subside a bit?

02-28-2016, 08:06 PM
For over a week now I have been experiencing like a cold, burning almost tingling sensation in my arms, hands, and legs. Pretty similar to how it feels when you have Icy Hot on your skin.

02-29-2016, 07:44 AM
For over a week now I have been experiencing like a cold, burning almost tingling sensation in my arms, hands, and legs. Pretty similar to how it feels when you have Icy Hot on your skin.
Is this something you've had before that you attribute to anxiety? No neurological problems?

02-29-2016, 05:09 PM
I have never had this happen to me until recently. It's been almost 2 weeks! However, today, the symptoms are a lot less than they were. I do not have any neurological problems to my knowledge lol but I definitely plan on seeing a doctor if I don't feel any better in another week. I have been under a tremendous amount of stress lately and I think that is what triggered it. Also, I am pretty sure a new brand of birth control pill I was given has also played a part, which I stopped taking a few days ago.