View Full Version : Will Someone PLEASE read -(There is no triggers) - GAD

02-25-2016, 10:57 PM
Alright, so I have these cycles that start with panic and turn into extreme worry about EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. It's terrible. I worry about my future, my life, where it's going, things I need to do, like find a job, where I'll live, etc, etc. It gives me anxiety because of that. I know I am just ill right now and super focused on EVERYTHING, and being ill makes you see things in only black & white. My question is, is this normal? At 22, I have a car coming my way, a trailer in my name, two younger brothers who would always be there for me, but I still can't stop obsessing. Should I focus on my recovery from this recent sensitized mind, or continue running around trying to plan and solve all of my future right now? I am afraid if I don't plan/solve, everything will go bad, but on the other hand I know I am recently sensitized and never worried before and things came natural. I need direction. Please don't comment recommending doctors, meds, etc. I don't have the means. Just need advice.

02-26-2016, 12:03 AM
Unfortunately it does seem normal this day and age. As for the no means regarding doctors and medications, that's probably a good thing. I've seen your Youtube upload on the Power Within. Just take them words and put them into practice. I know all to well we are not the essence of everything we say. (if only it were that easy) Practice is the hard part. Knowledge is key but more so through personal experience rather than just books. I appreciate both.

Just ride with what works for now I guess. Try not to identify too much with the "labels" - Don't feed the fear with more fear and all that jazz. Again focus on what works. Reassess rather than dread. I believe it's OK to plan ahead, but not so much that the future is the only thing on your mind. Avoid filling your current space with things that have not happened yet ... especially those things in the category of "do not want ; or do not have"

Or - Learn from the past, be positive about the future and in doing so you will find you a new found passion for the living in the now. Things come and go - especially materialistic things. They need not define who we are or the more we learn how much more we already have within, we find the respect we have for the materials we use is far more important than the need, acquisition and or ownership of things. Only when we can appreciate this way of living can we get a glimpse of what it's like not to obsess in the way so many of us do. It's a mind thing ... it's what the mind does. Obsession is no more than effortless distraction that leads us from knowing the truth ... the truth about ourselves.

Things today are made and sold specifically to make us believe that without them, we are less - that we must have, and the we must have a plan that includes X, Y & Z. It's total BS - it's just a great cycle that works really well at keep consumers trapped. One hand makes out how great we are all off for the wonderment of technological advance, whilst the other ensures such things will break down ... that process is called obsolescence. (consumer obsolescence) ... These wonderful commodities give us an Identity that's only as good as the life of their warranties.

What's any of that got to do with having a trailer in one's name and or a car about to fall into your hands. It falls into line with the context of ownership as you mention it, and the weight of identify with said car. I have a feeling you get the gist of that. Sometimes laying the cards on the table helps us to see more clearly. Like I said ... sometimes its easy to come up with the .words when we preach, yet another thing to practice and or feel the fruits of which we speak.

Where is my advice? I am as lost as you Bro - Just sharing for sharing's sake. Draw from your brothers, Love your mother and be thankful for whats on the plate. :) - The best way I know to stop obsessing is to ride with what works - use what you already have ... let whatever comes - come. Sure plan ahead, but do so within your means (which I note you already said at the end of your post - Good Call on that - not to mean docs or meds are right or wrong ... just that the fact you know what's with your means and what is not ... that's a good thing!)

You have confidence which shows really well in your youtube channel - You've got skills and talents ... Just focus on your strengths. The world is a tough place - but when you catch your breath, see those hard, tough and rough times as no more than challenges to be overcome. Nothing wrong with being sensitive - We can all learn a great deal from being that. It's hard to be positive without any negative experiences (well not the positive that is grounded in reality) ... it's more about knowing such things as facts or more so coming to accept for acceptance sake, [that being a realization through inner knowing that only comes from being real with self ... then combined with the process of dis-identification of all that other BS consumerist narrative I briefly skimmed on ... -> how we hold those moments, react, evolve and grow ... who we are now is what counts. Matters not how much we have fucked up and what we think our prospects to be. With the right mindset, the lowest of the low can be king!

You've got character - Your doing alright. I hope there is something in this reply somewhere.

Peace Bro.

02-26-2016, 12:30 AM
Unfortunately it does seem normal this day and age. As for the no means regarding doctors and medications, that's probably a good thing. I've seen your Youtube upload on the Power Within. Just take them words and put them into practice. I know all to well we are not the essence of everything we say. (if only it were that easy) Practice is the hard part. Knowledge is key but more so through personal experience rather than just books. I appreciate both.

Just ride with what works for now I guess. Try not to identify too much with the "labels" - Don't feed the fear with more fear and all that jazz. Again focus on what works. Reassess rather than dread. I believe it's OK to plan ahead, but not so much that the future is the only thing on your mind. Avoid filling your current space with things that have not happened yet ... especially those things in the category of "do not want ; or do not have"

Or - Learn from the past, be positive about the future and in doing so you will find you a new found passion for the living in the now. Things come and go - especially materialistic things. They need not define who we are or the more we learn how much more we already have within, we find the respect we have for the materials we use is far more important than the need, acquisition and or ownership of things. Only when we can appreciate this way of living can we get a glimpse of what it's like not to obsess in the way so many of us do. It's a mind thing ... it's what the mind does. Obsession is no more than effortless distraction that leads us from knowing the truth ... the truth about ourselves.

Things today are made and sold specifically to make us believe that without them, we are less - that we must have, and the we must have a plan that includes X, Y & Z. It's total BS - it's just a great cycle that works really well at keep consumers trapped. One hand makes out how great we are all off for the wonderment of technological advance, whilst the other ensures such things will break down ... that process is called obsolescence. (consumer obsolescence) ... These wonderful commodities give us an Identity that's only as good as the life of their warranties.

What's any of that got to do with having a trailer in one's name and or a car about to fall into your hands. It falls into line with the context of ownership as you mention it, and the weight of identify with said car. I have a feeling you get the gist of that. Sometimes laying the cards on the table helps us to see more clearly. Like I said ... sometimes its easy to come up with the .words when we preach, yet another thing to practice and or feel the fruits of which we speak.

Where is my advice? I am as lost as you Bro - Just sharing for sharing's sake. Draw from your brothers, Love your mother and be thankful for whats on the plate. :) - The best way I know to stop obsessing is to ride with what works - use what you already have ... let whatever comes - come. Sure plan ahead, but do so within your means (which I note you already said at the end of your post - Good Call on that - not to mean docs or meds are right or wrong ... just that the fact you know what's with your means and what is not ... that's a good thing!)

You have confidence which shows really well in your youtube channel - You've got skills and talents ... Just focus on your strengths. The world is a tough place - but when you catch your breath, see those hard, tough and rough times as no more than challenges to be overcome. Nothing wrong with being sensitive - We can all learn a great deal from being that. It's hard to be positive without any negative experiences (well not the positive that is grounded in reality) ... it's more about knowing such things as facts or more so coming to accept for acceptance sake, [that being a realization through inner knowing that only comes from being real with self ... then combined with the process of dis-identification of all that other BS consumerist narrative I briefly skimmed on ... -> how we hold those moments, react, evolve and grow ... who we are now is what counts. Matters not how much we have fucked up and what we think our prospects to be. With the right mindset, the lowest of the low can be king!

You've got character - Your doing alright. I hope there is something in this reply somewhere.

Peace Bro.

You see, I know I will always have family/friends that will support me and be here for me, I know I'll always have somewhere in life to go, people to be around. I have two younger brother, my mom & dad, although I know they won't be here forever, and I have some true friends, but yet I worry about being successful, I worry about not knowing what the future holds and most of all, I worry about the worry. I think it all comes back to the fear of the anxiety I feel from the worry. Afraid I'll always feel this anxiety unless I figure out the future, (impossible) I know. But that is what keeps it alive.. I just wanna go back to taking things day by day like I did before, worry at a minimal.

02-26-2016, 04:11 AM
You see, I know I will always have family/friends that will support me and be here for me, I know I'll always have somewhere in life to go, people to be around. I have two younger brother, my mom & dad, although I know they won't be here forever, and I have some true friends, but yet I worry about being successful, I worry about not knowing what the future holds and most of all, I worry about the worry. I think it all comes back to the fear of the anxiety I feel from the worry. Afraid I'll always feel this anxiety unless I figure out the future, (impossible) I know. But that is what keeps it alive.. I just wanna go back to taking things day by day like I did before, worry at a minimal.

Then rather than focus on the source of your worry and given your strong desire for taking things day by day, then I guess that begs the question ... "what can I do to move on?" Changing your mind set is the first place to taking back control. That requires shifting your focus from the source of worry onto a more proactive approach.

How bad you really want it; will dictate which way you go.

02-26-2016, 07:35 AM
Then rather than focus on the source of your worry and given your strong desire for taking things day by day, then I guess that begs the question ... "what can I do to move on?" Changing your mind set is the first place to taking back control. That requires shifting your focus from the source of worry onto a more proactive approach.

How bad you really want it; will dictate which way you go.

Since I can't be proactive right now, I guess my only way out is acceptance.

02-26-2016, 06:51 PM
Acceptance comes in many forms. Being proactive is one of them.

It all comes down to mindset. Inwardly speaking, we are all responsible for the choices we make. No such thing as can't - but rather we choose the path we walk and or the way we think. Both are one and the same. The power within is as disabling as it is enabling.

Try speaking in terms that empower rather than disable, lest you will continue to post negative thoughts.

First break the cycle with the words you use.

(example - "right now my choices are limited, however in accepting this fact I choose to find other options that will help")

This removes the limiting factor of the word such as "cant" yet whilst accepting this fact - our approach becomes proactive in our act to to look for options that we thought we never had. In this way, our thinking clears and we see more choices that suddenly come to light. It's important to note here, that whilst even in the face of no option "yet" to be found, that the very act of looking is what produces positive results.

The idea is to break away from the negative narrative which is more easily expressed. A negative behavior that clinically (long term) depressed individuals are addicted to. Self loathing - Beating ones self up - Low Opinions - Focusing on the source/ living in the past ... clinging to regret - thus the banter continues with but's and cant's.

My hints and tips I often use ... Is to re-read ... then edit the words I have used. I find this very effective when thinking on the topic of using empowering words

It's often best to view my posts 10 - 20 minutes after I have posted them :)

I hope you can find some good in this?

02-27-2016, 05:22 PM
Hi Chris,

I think before it kicks in you need to focus your attention to something else, whether it is studying, work-out, washing up or whatever, it does not count, but you need to break the cycle before you drift too far....

May i ask what have you tried so far to come out of a cycle? (and what do you think about the resason for it not working for you? )

Other shoe
02-27-2016, 05:55 PM
Worry about the worry. Classic. This is where you have to step back and look. I have squandered years of opportunities because of worry and lack of confidence. I still wake up and the worry forms. I started letting it happen in the moment, and then kicked myself in the ass to get out the door. You should start by stop kicking yourself in the ass first, and realize that you are a capable loving human being. How do I know this? Because you are on this site and want to live! Worrying about the worry is anxiety at it's worst. You fear the crap coming and it makes you more restless. Stop and think about what you want to do with your day. Everyday is your day, I don't care what anyone or your mind tells you! This is what we've got, everyday. We can live it hiding in fear or enjoying what we can. Stop and think about what really scares you. Can you solve the problems? If you can't then accept that. If you can do something within your power then do what you can. Nothing gets solved overnight, just look at congress!