View Full Version : I just need to say hello.

02-24-2016, 06:30 PM

My first post (of probably many). I don't mean to dump on the group but I'm hoping this will turn out to be a "good place" for me.

I'm fighting anxiety (probably getting closer to depression) for a couple of years now. I'm not currently in a good place but I have some time on my hands and found this forum from a Google search. Guess maybe this is the first step to figuring out where to turn.

I'm working on finding a new primary doctor but have been frustrated. The last 2 I've met with completely blow me off when I tell them I am severely anxious/depressed. I assume they think I just want meds but haven't ever been prescribed anything to date. I actually am ready to try SOMETHING but doctors don't want to give me the time of day. I'm a mid 40's male so I figured I'd be in their prescription wheelhouse but I guess not ;)

So, here I am. I have a ton of issues (that you probably don't really want to hear) but figured I'd turn to strangers on the Internet :) to at least talk to. I have a loving wife but she really doesn't understand what I'm going through (probably my fault as I don't know how to talk about it).

For now I just want to say hello and introduce myself a bit. I really want to talk to others who might understand what I'm feeling. I know I'm probably not alone but it's difficult to express it to people who aren't in the same boat.

So, hello. Thanks for listening. I hope to make some friends.

salvator here
02-25-2016, 09:40 AM
Hi Welcome!

Joining the community is indeed a good first step to understanding your conditions/issues better.

The way I see it, we go to great lengths to seek out a good mechanic, and won't hesitate to try many until we find a right fit for our vehicles. However, we are more hesitant to do this with our own health. Finding the best medical professional to suit our needs is not doctor shopping. Its can take many tries to find the right one when one seems to not be taking your condition's seriously.

Yes, there is a level of comfort and anonymity opening up to people on the internet, but people here have no doubt gone through similar experiences and are willing to offer advice and tools that can help you in your recovery.

Good luck and I hope you meet some new friends here too :)

02-25-2016, 10:29 AM

I am new too and am also hoping this will be a good place for me to learn and meet new friends. I have apparently had anxiety and panic attacks for pretty much my whole adult life (I'm a mid forties female) and didn't realize what it was until a recent health scare, and that made it come out full force. I understand what you are going through. I have a loving husband as well, and I try to talk to him about it and he just doesn't get it. He really tries, but most of the time he just thinks I am being silly and dramatic, and thinks things like saying "just relax and breathe" are going to help. What that really does it make me want to punch him. LOL! Just kidding. But it is hard living with someone who doesn't get it. That's why I sought out something like this. So I could talk to people who are going through the same sorts of things and understand.