View Full Version : Please help.. don't know what to do!

Avia Juliet
02-23-2016, 09:48 PM
I've always had a bit of anxiety, some general anxiety but mostly social anxiety. But a few months ago I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and my anxiety has gotten a lot worse. I'm constantly worried that I'm going to get sick and am almost scared to eat sometimes. And when I DO accidentally eat gluten not only do I get all kinds of stomach issues, but my anxiety gets really bad. I accientally ate gluten on thursday (it's now tuesday) and I have been so incredibly anxious. Normally it's not THAT bad, but this time was worse plus there's a lot of things going on in my life right now and things that I'm looking forward to, but also nervous about. Some of the biggest things are that I'm getting braces tomorrow and my birthday is on Friday! I want to be excited but I can't help wishing that they were just over. I have zero appetite when I'm really anxious, and it's been so bad that I've barely eaten in three days. And I just feel awful and anxious almost all the time. I feel like it has gotten better over the past few days.. better as in I feel more.. uncomfortable. Not nauseous like I did the other day. But also worse because instead of just having little bouts of anxiety throughout the day I'm anxious almost all day. Like today, I woke up feeling anxious and it lasted for maybe an hour or two. Then I started to feel fine.. like completely fine and really back to normal for the first time in a few days. I also suddenly realized how hungry I was and decided to finally eat some real food (in three days i only ate a banana and an orange). So I ate and felt a bit better at first, but then my stomach kind of hurt. Probably because I need to eat more.. but then I started getting kind of anxious and have been since then. I've been waiting to get braces for a looooong time and I know I'm excited somewhere in the back of my mind, but all I can seem to think about it what might go wrong. I usually get pretty anxious before doctor/dentist appointments but am fine once I'm actually there, it's just leading up to it that makes me really nervous for some reason. So that's why I'm anxious about it.. but it's also like a million times worse because of the gluten. And because of how I've been feeling lately (anxious all day pretty much) I'm worried that I'll still be really anxious when I'm there and not be able to make it through the appointment. And then I'm scared that I'll be more anxious after I get them on instead of being happy. Buuuut if I reschedule the appointment I'm worried that that won't even make me feel better. The only reason I haven't rescheduled yet is because every once in a while I kind of snap out of the anxiety and feel normal again, and I remember how excited I am.. But if I feel like this I don't think I can do it. Like I said, when I eat gluten my anxiety gets really bad. It's usually bad for a week or so and then gradually starts to get better. So I keep trying to tell myself that it's only temporary but it's not helping. I feel like it would be better to reschedule the appointment. I want to be happy and excited when I go, not freaking out the whole time. But I'm worried that even if I don't do I'll still be anxious. I want to say that I'll feel much better not going and just waiting, but what if I'm just as anxious? I don't know what to do.. my anxiety has never been this bad in my life and I'm scared. Help :(

02-24-2016, 06:23 AM
I've always had a bit of anxiety, some general anxiety but mostly social anxiety. But a few months ago I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and my anxiety has gotten a lot worse. I'm constantly worried that I'm going to get sick and am almost scared to eat sometimes. And when I DO accidentally eat gluten not only do I get all kinds of stomach issues, but my anxiety gets really bad. I accientally ate gluten on thursday (it's now tuesday) and I have been so incredibly anxious. Normally it's not THAT bad, but this time was worse plus there's a lot of things going on in my life right now and things that I'm looking forward to, but also nervous about. Some of the biggest things are that I'm getting braces tomorrow and my birthday is on Friday! I want to be excited but I can't help wishing that they were just over. I have zero appetite when I'm really anxious, and it's been so bad that I've barely eaten in three days. And I just feel awful and anxious almost all the time. I feel like it has gotten better over the past few days.. better as in I feel more.. uncomfortable. Not nauseous like I did the other day. But also worse because instead of just having little bouts of anxiety throughout the day I'm anxious almost all day. Like today, I woke up feeling anxious and it lasted for maybe an hour or two. Then I started to feel fine.. like completely fine and really back to normal for the first time in a few days. I also suddenly realized how hungry I was and decided to finally eat some real food (in three days i only ate a banana and an orange). So I ate and felt a bit better at first, but then my stomach kind of hurt. Probably because I need to eat more.. but then I started getting kind of anxious and have been since then. I've been waiting to get braces for a looooong time and I know I'm excited somewhere in the back of my mind, but all I can seem to think about it what might go wrong. I usually get pretty anxious before doctor/dentist appointments but am fine once I'm actually there, it's just leading up to it that makes me really nervous for some reason. So that's why I'm anxious about it.. but it's also like a million times worse because of the gluten. And because of how I've been feeling lately (anxious all day pretty much) I'm worried that I'll still be really anxious when I'm there and not be able to make it through the appointment. And then I'm scared that I'll be more anxious after I get them on instead of being happy. Buuuut if I reschedule the appointment I'm worried that that won't even make me feel better. The only reason I haven't rescheduled yet is because every once in a while I kind of snap out of the anxiety and feel normal again, and I remember how excited I am.. But if I feel like this I don't think I can do it. Like I said, when I eat gluten my anxiety gets really bad. It's usually bad for a week or so and then gradually starts to get better. So I keep trying to tell myself that it's only temporary but it's not helping. I feel like it would be better to reschedule the appointment. I want to be happy and excited when I go, not freaking out the whole time. But I'm worried that even if I don't do I'll still be anxious. I want to say that I'll feel much better not going and just waiting, but what if I'm just as anxious? I don't know what to do.. my anxiety has never been this bad in my life and I'm scared. Help :(

If your thoughts are as jumbled as the above paragraph no wonder you are freaking out. I mean no disrespect, but from the above post , I can see your mind is running a mile a minute. Try to stop overthinking everything..EASIER SAID THAN DONE. Please go see a DR and get some help. I don't recommend meds, but they do give you the peace of mind to step away and address your problems, they are a tool not a solution/cure. Best wishes and peace.