View Full Version : Exercises to stop trembling?

02-22-2016, 10:48 AM
When I try to hold my legs in the air during certain yoga poses, my legs tremble like crazy. I'm not very fit and exercise rarely, my posture is pretty bad, so maybe those are the causes. I've been like this for a while, at least as far back as 2010 when I first tried a beginners yoga course. Holding any position for more than half a minute leads to this.

Sometimes when I go down the stairs I can feel a slight tremble in my knees, and I get it when flexing my arms sometimes, too. It's pretty annoying.

I'm trying to do more yoga to better my mood but all this trembling makes me feel kinda crappy, and my legs/arms feel weak for a while afterwards. Is there anything I can do or supplement I can take that would make the trembling less...uh...there?

02-22-2016, 12:40 PM
When I try to hold my legs in the air during certain yoga poses, my legs tremble like crazy. I'm not very fit and exercise rarely, my posture is pretty bad, so maybe those are the causes. I've been like this for a while, at least as far back as 2010 when I first tried a beginners yoga course. Holding any position for more than half a minute leads to this.

Sometimes when I go down the stairs I can feel a slight tremble in my knees, and I get it when flexing my arms sometimes, too. It's pretty annoying.

I'm trying to do more yoga to better my mood but all this trembling makes me feel kinda crappy, and my legs/arms feel weak for a while afterwards. Is there anything I can do or supplement I can take that would make the trembling less...uh...there?

I have same problem despite having strong legs, just hang in there it gets better with practice, I also have terrible balance so I provide free entertainment to class. LOL

02-22-2016, 04:42 PM
I have been to physical therapy and learned exercises to strengthen my back and knees. They do help! I love physical therapy.

02-23-2016, 09:01 AM

The more stronger your muscles will get the less they will tremble. I have the same trembling in my stomach when I am doin the "boat". I think it is super that you are doing yoga, so just keep it up and be proud of yourself :) If you are interested there is a really good one on youtube called Beginners Online Yoga Class by yogasync.tv :)