View Full Version : Please read, is this normal? GAD

02-21-2016, 05:25 PM
Okay, so randomly one day I had a panic attack which led to me worrying about going crazy, having more attacks, etc, etc., then lead to me worrying about my future, my life, my goals, etc, etc. I thought about these things before, but never like this, and it's giving me this sense of doom that if I don't figure out a solid plan right now, I never will, which is throwing me into more panic thinking about depression/anxiety of failing. Now lately have been in full-blown panic/depression over my future. It is making me feel hopeless and stuck and basically sick. How will I ever improve if I continue to be stuck in this anxiety of the worry? Which farther makes me feel like yes, the future will be hopeless for me. I feel so overwhelmed with everything I'll have to do in life, it's giving me this sense of running out of time and making me ill. I'm experiencing all those negative outcomes right now as if they are happening, right now. I feel hopeless mostly because of this anxiety telling me I can and never will be able to do these things, I'm only 22 and really wanna focus on beating my agora and being a normal adult with a steady solid future. I know I am highly sensitized right now, and my nerves will heal, but if I feel like if I DON'T figure everything out RIGHT NOW, I will never be unsensitized, thus all my worries of the future coming true. PLEASE HELP!!! I am begging for answers on how to get out of this cycle.

02-21-2016, 05:35 PM
I think it's more a fear of if I can't figure out all of life's plans and questions right now, that I will continue sinking into anxiety until it is no longer bearable. I think that is the real worry. But how do I defeat a worry if the worry is based on something I cannot change?

02-21-2016, 06:51 PM
In all honesty, you need to go to Therapy somehow or someway, this is not healthy at all. This sounds a lot like the type of anxiety that needs medication under a proper medical diagnoses.

You can vent all you want on here, and that does help, but that will only go so far. I highly recommend finding someway to get professional help for this. Who knows you might even get lucky like I did. I once had a huge fear of having a brain tumor a few months after my father passed from brain cancer. It was so bad I was in a semi hyper ventilating mood for days. I finally was able to go to the doctors and by the time I even stepped foot into the hospital I wave of reason came over me and i quickly began to realize how ridiculous my worries were. I still went in for a check up and all my worries virtually vanished after that. I still get bouts of anxiety every now and then but it's nothing too serious because I still keep reason in my head.

BUT, I am not you and based on your postings I feel that you may need further medical advice/action.

Hope that helped a bit.

02-21-2016, 06:56 PM
In all honesty, you need to go to Therapy somehow or someway, this is not healthy at all. This sounds a lot like the type of anxiety that needs medication under a proper medical diagnoses.

You can vent all you want on here, and that does help, but that will only go so far. I highly recommend finding someway to get professional help for this. Who knows you might even get lucky like I did. I once had a huge fear of having a brain tumor a few months after my father passed from brain cancer. It was so bad I was in a semi hyper ventilating mood for days. I finally was able to go to the doctors and by the time I even stepped foot into the hospital I wave of reason came over me and i quickly began to realize how ridiculous my worries were. I still went in for a check up and all my worries virtually vanished after that. I still get bouts of anxiety every now and then but it's nothing too serious because I still keep reason in my head.

BUT, I am not you and based on your postings I feel that you may need further medical advice/action.

Hope that helped a bit.

See, I've been through this before, just like this, almost exactly and a lot of it comes from the lack of sleep I've had in the past two days.

02-21-2016, 08:09 PM
If you feel it's a lack of sleep, I would look up some natural remedies to better sleeping. The reason I say that is because if you choose something harder, that can also be a slippery slope.

I would also recommend excerize if you don't already do so, not only can it help with sleep but it will also have a good chance on helping your anxiety as well, it helps in keeping your mind and body busy. These are just some simple suggestions.

02-21-2016, 08:43 PM
I'm going through what your exactly going through but mines a little weird. I have not been diagnosed with anything as of yet from going to doctors. Many told me it was just the fear that got to me. I have a fear of death

02-21-2016, 08:46 PM
What happened to me though was that I searched " whats happens after you die" and an article I read that said there is no heaven and such gave me the hugest panic attacks and just like you it started snowballing into every other plan I had. I haven't been to therapy either. But here in Toronto for a 16 year d you cannot find much for counseling and such. I feel like I'm going to go insane one day if I don't fix it now

salvator here
02-22-2016, 01:44 AM
See, I've been through this before, just like this, almost exactly and a lot of it comes from the lack of sleep I've had in the past two days.

Lack of sleep messes me up badly. Sleep is the best medicine and can reset your mind. I don't usually recommend pills, but since you also said finances are a problem and you have no insurance, you could try Nature’s Measure Relax & Sleep Dietary Supplement. 30 ct., its only $1 at the dollar tree and it seems to help me. Its a combination of [75 mg Valerian root, 25 mg Chamomile, 200 mcg Melatonin]. I try to purchase all other natural remedies there, as well, since I'm also on a tight budget.

Just be cautious about mixing natural remedies with prescriptions.

Mohammed Nasreldin
02-22-2016, 07:27 AM
Yoga, Exercises and sleeping (Yes Salvator), will all help you reset your mind.

02-24-2016, 03:53 PM
Sorry to hear you are going through this. I was almost where you are a while ago (though I don't have agoraphobia, but in terms of a cycle of being worried about too many things and feeling pretty much hopeless about the future), but now I feel a lot better already. Medication partly helps me, but I think yoga and meditation have also helped a lot, so if you can't afford doctors and medicine (although I hope you'll find a way), you could start with those. The trick is to make it a habit though, I had been doing yoga and meditation on and off earlier too but my anxiety continued to increase. Just the sense of being able to stick to these things helps. There are a lot of free yoga videos on Youtube. I'm not allowed to post links, but a good example is a video called Hatha Yoga with David: Yoga for Anxiety.

Establishing a regular practice of several things that are making me feel better have helped me improve and now I feel a bit more confident (not completely anxiety-free, but I feel hopeful). Just the idea of having been strong enough to look for and find things that help is helpful in itself, so do some searching, read about what you can do about anxiety. There are a lot of good tips on this forum, for example. I know it can feel overwhelming if you have a lot to deal with, but you have to tackle it one thing at a time and starting with making a plan to lessen your anxiety is a good start.