View Full Version : OCD About My Future, Uncertainty, & What I Will Do? Treatment? -Please Read

02-19-2016, 08:03 PM
Okay so I am desperately looking for an answer, looking for some sort of treatment I can use to beat these recent OCD worries. (I've been through this exact same thing once before) Anyway, I am 22, dealing with an episode of high-sensitized anxiety where almost anything can make me anxious, but it seems like now I am stuck on this worry/anxiety kick. I am also agoraphobic which adds to the worry/fear. Basically, it goes like this, I am uncertain about my future, I don't have much in this life although I am suppose to get a car soon. I have friends/family, but yet I start worrying about my future, how uncertain it is, what I will do, the fact that I don't have a solid plan makes me anxious, the fact that I can only think so far ahead makes me anxious, then I start thinking well if I can't figure out a solid plan right now, I will freak out and go insane or crazy. Some days are better than others. I know a lot of it is the anxiety talking. But does anyone know how to beat OCD worries about the future and uncertainty? Do I sit with the fear? I just need a game plan..

02-19-2016, 10:47 PM
Hi there, thanks for sharing. When I was your age, I felt the same way too. I was so uncertain of my future that I felt like I was such a loser at everything. I was so afraid to go after what I truly loved. As the years passed by, I still felt the same way. When I woke up, 7 years have gone by and I was still at place 0.

So don't be like me. If I could turn back time, I'd have just given everything a shot. I'd sit my sorry bottom down and make multiple plans - the kind of plans that I know I would love doing. But, it's never late to start anew. Make today a new day and take actions, no matter how small. If you just do one thing at a time, you'll stay sane and will see it through.

Good luck!

02-20-2016, 08:50 AM
Hi Chris,

I think if you read back your previous threads you might find some words of support and advice. Please try to calm down, because worrying can get you into a vicious circle :S Start planning instead :) refocus your energy to solve the problem and don't let it drag you down. You are so young there is soo much ahead of you! And remember you don't have to solve every problem right now at this moment. That would be too overwhelming. Take some time and plannig instead. Pave your way to bigger things with small steps. Go out and get inspration, get to know things to broaden your horizon, give you fresh ideas. Also you don't need to have every small detail planned, sometimes you also need to follow life's flow. I am rooting for you! :)