View Full Version : Can Anxiety Make you Anxious Over EVERYTHING?

02-19-2016, 06:37 PM
Okay, so I have these cycles of anxiety if you will, where I become anxious over EVERYTHING. For example, anxious about my future, down to the smallest, littlest details. Anxious about my surroundings. Anxious about other people's problems, feeling like I'm on the verge of a mental break down!

02-19-2016, 07:00 PM
Mr. Worry, we all know the feeling;)

02-19-2016, 10:50 PM
Yup, yup, and yup. We've all been there done that. This world is that kind of world. There's a lot of pressure coming from different things and it's no doubt that sometimes we'll feel uncertain and defeated. As long you can still put your foot forward, you'll do just fine.

salvator here
02-19-2016, 11:21 PM
I do find this also happens so me. For example, when I let my anxiety get the best of me, I get paranoid about things I shouldn't. I 2nd guess myself and keep thinking I did something wrong and make up a worse case scenarios; when it turns out more often than not it is/was not the case.

I did read your other threads and can see you are dealing with bad anxiety now, so try to take a deep breath and take things day to day. I can understand being concerned about your future and living on your own, so hopefully you will turn the worry into determination and start to make good decisions going forward to only improve your life.

02-20-2016, 03:08 AM
I do find this also happens so me. For example, when I let my anxiety get the best of me, I get paranoid about things I shouldn't. I 2nd guess myself and keep thinking I did something wrong and make up a worse case scenarios; when it turns out more often than not it is/was not the case.

I did read your other threads and can see you are dealing with bad anxiety now, so try to take a deep breath and take things day to day. I can understand being concerned about your future and living on your own, so hopefully you will turn the worry into determination and start to make good decisions going forward to only improve your life.

Completely agree with above - when you feel like you're spiraling out of control and the rug is being pulled from underneath you it's so important to focus on the here and now, taking each day as it comes. I've recently had work stress and uncertainty like you and found myself so panicked about the future that, in the end, I just put it to the back of my mind and just focused on handling the here and now. Focus on getting through each day and making the best of it, then when you're feeling calmer and more in control you can work on making big steps for the future.

Really hope this helps and that you find some peace soon.

02-23-2016, 10:04 AM
When in the throes of a really bad anxiety spell, I've been through what your are describing. Thankfully, it doesn't happen very often. I have found that when this occurs, I have to do everything in my power to break the "anxiety cycle." It is hard work but worth it. It might mean jogging everyday for an hour. (I get over the fear of jogging when in this heightened state by telling myself that even if I die of a heart attack, it beats the alternative of living the way I am now). After about 20 minutes into the run, once I've worked though the anxiety laced adrenaline, I'll settle into a great rhythm. On a related note, I've read stories about how for some people, cardiovascular workouts are the ONLY thing that helps their anxiety or depression.

I'll also spend at least a 1/2 hr a day in some form of meditation / prayer, and try to take stock of my diet and really clean it up.

Of course, if I could keep this going I would have less anxiety than I do now. This really works for me.

02-23-2016, 07:25 PM
Oh, I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me "You worry too much "or "Just don't worry about it."

02-25-2016, 10:52 PM
Yup, yup, and yup. We've all been there done that. This world is that kind of world. There's a lot of pressure coming from different things and it's no doubt that sometimes we'll feel uncertain and defeated. As long you can still put your foot forward, you'll do just fine.

PM me? Maybeeeee?