View Full Version : Off my Anti Depressant and Really Over Focused on Body Weight

02-17-2016, 08:00 PM
Specifically my Jelly Belly. Also almost immediately increased my water pill to go along w/ my increased Body Fat anxiety. Sleep has been filled w/ many new anxiety themed nightmares and very tired feeling from not sleeping well at night. Will I ever recover from this terrible state of drug dependency of sleeping/anxiety meds?

02-19-2016, 06:03 PM
Hi for sleep I use valeriana extract or pills (natural remedy) and camomille tea (not too much, i don't like to wake up in the middle of the night having to go to the loo :P) . Also a good exercise or evening walk can exhaust your body and a warm relaxing shower can make you fall asleep easier. Don't eat before you go to sleep, it can disturb you and heavy food (gluten, sugar and fat rich ones) can cause bad dreams, but don't go hungry to bed, go for a light lean meat supper instead well before sleeping. Make sure your bed is comfortable, if you feel like you can meditate before sleep to ease your mind (I sometime set the tv to turn off in an hour and play ambent music with starry pictures to calm my mind until then). Try not to oversleep and be physically active! Start the day early with a delicious breakfast (otameal with cinnamon and honey?- yum ) to energize you up for the day! Good luck! And congrats on your progress! :)