View Full Version : Is It Me Or Is It The Person?

02-17-2016, 02:55 PM
Hi everybody,

I have a new staff member who started a few months ago. This person is very quiet when working along with me. They will ask me questions on the work and that's it.

When they first started the role, they would shadow others to be trained. Often we would finish the same time. We travel the same transport as we live near each other. I found when I often saw them whilst going to work. They would see me and just walk past or try to dodge me as though they didn't see me. During lunchtime, I would offer them to come in and sit with me and my other colleagues. But they prefer to sit by themselves. If they saw me sitting down in a room, they would sit in the next room.

I thought this was normal because when you are new to a job. You are bound to feel out of place and the new person. But this still happening to this day. When I come on shift, they say hello and leave the room. When we are alone in the same room, it's always quiet. I know they wanted the same job as me hence my new job. But they missed out on the role and got offered another job in the workplace. I felt bad for them and have shown this by going out of my way to help them and train them by doing more than I should be doing.

I have tried to make conversation with them by talking about normal things. But all I get is small smiles and small words. Sometimes when they walk past, they tend to throw things down hard and I strongly feel they don't like the job. As soon as I am about to train them something new, they want to know me.

They have made too many signs they don't want to know me. I find this incredibly difficult especially when working with them.

Is it me or could this just be the way this person is?

02-17-2016, 03:00 PM
It sounds like it's just the person's personality. I would just let them know that if they ever need anything, you're available to talk and leave it at that. Sometimes stepping back is the easiest way to get to know someone.

02-17-2016, 04:48 PM

maybe they are afraid of you (you are the senior/mentor person) and see you as someone in front of who they have to behave or can't be quite honest (like a teachaer-student type of situation if we were in school). I think if you are a good trainer and welcoming that is enough. Give them time to ease up and find their place in the company. If they miss out on the chance to make a good relation with you, it is their problem:) Just stay as you are now, helpful and friendly and then you know you do everything that can be asked of you. You have nothing to worry about. It is a workplace after all not a playground. If they don't like it, they need to find something else, or accept the situation and work as set in their contracts. As for throwing things down intentionally, without mentioning it, as a trainer you can also remind them their responsibility for causing damage. Don't let it disturb your peace :) Others like you and you are doing a great job, this is what counts! They don't have to like you, but they do have to act as professionals and thats it. Don't worry. Don't make it to be your problem. :)

02-18-2016, 12:15 AM
Some people like to stay quite and alone, its their personality. If you are uncomfortable with his behavior just ignore it and do your work.