View Full Version : Did my meds poop out?

02-13-2016, 09:16 PM
Hey everybody

This might be a tad long but I'll try and shorten my drama as much as possible.

35 year old female, had my first panic attack at 16. Diagnosed with panic disorder at 22, by 31 I was diagnosed with GAD and agoraphobia. I was living in a constant state of anxiety where I was hardly eating and did not leave my apartment for over a year in 2012. I was living with my mom and depending on her for everything. July 28, 2012 I told her I loved her and laid down for a nap. When I woke up she had passed away from a heart attack. I'm still coming to terms with losing her but the trauma of finding her has gone.

By spring of the next year I was on 10mg lexapro and .5mg ativan when needed. I hired a therapist for grief counseling and exposure therapy and I've been outside ever since. I do guided meditation nightly and I am out walking every day unless it's freezing cold.

Flashing to last week, I got a pretty gnarly cold which turned into bronchitis and up comes the anxiety. I mean I've had worries and minor anxiety but usually I can tell myself it's just anxiety and either let it flow or take an ativan. But for the past two days I'm a mess. I'm not sure if my meds said they're done or its a combo of things. I quit smoking two months ago and have been vaping a small amount of nicotine but I hardly did that because of the bronchitis. Same with coffee, I have cut down since bronchitis to two cups from way too many. Also I haven't gotten out much because of it, so I've been just laying around for days.

To try and shorten this, I've had a few crying jags and I've been anxious immediately upon waking up. It goes away after a few hours but of course GAD is all over it. So I'm wondering if I should go up in dose or if it's just a combo of the bronchitis issue.

02-14-2016, 01:04 PM
I would definitely try upping the dose. I was on Lexapro for a while too and found it to be very helpful but did have to up my dose from 10mg to 20mg and it worked better again. Good luck. I know exactly how you feel.

02-15-2016, 05:00 PM
This is tough stuff, PixiePop, and I can definitely empathize with you. Very sorry to hear about your loss.

Sounds pretty similar to the life I lived, years ago. I was on meds, agoraphobic, etc. I began rekindling my friendship with two close friends of mine. Man, those guys were life savers. After about a year, I realized it wasn't the meds that "fixed" everything, it was the change in lifestyle. The biggest thing that helped me was getting out of the house, talking to people, adapting back to society. We're naturally social creatures (even if you're an introverted person) and, believe it or not, lack of social life or leaving your home can be devastating (on top of the loss).

I'm sure you're going to be apprehensive, but, if I've learned anything from being an entrepreneur: the hard times and things in life brings the perfect opportunity to conquer those things. Things are going to be hard; they're supposed to be. We're not perfect, none of us. I'm not too sure about lexapro, but talk to your doctor about the hardships at hand and explain what is happening. Begin crafting something beautiful for yourself in the form of a new lifestyle. I used to lie to myself and make excuses, "Oh, I can't do that" or "Ugh, I'm just not good/smart enough"--it's nonsense. You're fully capable of taking control of things, I believe you are. If I managed to get through the same things you're speaking of, I KNOW you can.

02-16-2016, 10:03 AM
Thank you JD. I truly don't want to up my meds, I think I'm just having a minor lapse. I really appreciate your words.

Ab I think I'm going to hold out a few more days and see.

02-16-2016, 05:56 PM
Absolutely! Go with your gut. You will always be the one who knows yourself best. Good Luck!!

02-17-2016, 03:16 PM
I would talk to your doctor first, but it sounds like upping your dose would be helpful.

02-17-2016, 09:58 PM
My anxiety has stabilized like I thought it would. Taken 3.5 ativan since Saturday along with my 10mg lexapro. Meditated and got in some walks outside once it warmed up a bit on Monday and I'm back to coping. It's amazing what a cold can do to your anxiety