View Full Version : Brain Fog

salvator here
02-12-2016, 08:29 PM
Anybody else struggle with this?

Some days I wake up with this so bad that It literally takes all day to snap out of it (if at all actually). Sometimes it takes going back to bed and resetting (can't go back to bed all the time) How do others manage this? Green Tea helps a lot (more so than coffee), but the caffeine also causes my heart to race - so its a double-edge-sward.

Today for instance it was so bad that I was dizzy and unstable in my walking/gate, so much so that I wasn't able to drive at all, and was nauseous as well.

02-12-2016, 11:59 PM
Hey salvator here,

There are multiple possible causes, so you could try remedies for some, such as a gluten free diet, (Google recipes; there are many) taking coconut oil, lecithin, (health food stores; keep refrigerated) vitamin B12, (Orally administered vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed, and requires intrinsic factor, which young and healthy people have in adequate quantities, but others may not; I have 6 monthly injections, but some people prefer sub-lingual sprays; Google supplies, or mercola.com have some) and optimising vitamin D levels.

View my post about vitamin D at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34051-Wobbly-eyesight

* Note that most doctors would regard as acceptable lower levels of vitamin D than those recommended by Dr. John Cannell of the vitamin D council, or Professor Michael Holick, a former member, and an expert in vitamin D.

Read: "Why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D", at:
http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Why+are+doctors+reluctant+to+accept+vitamin+D and in particular:
"Would you be opposed to my getting more vitamin D", at:

Adopt a diet with minimal sugars and / or highly processed grain products, with more non starchy vegetables, protein, some complex carbohydrates, such as legumes, (beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas) and brown rice, and 2, or 3 pieces of fruit, as well as probiotic yoghurt; see http://www.google.com/search?q=mercola+probiotic&hl=en&gbv=2&oq=mercola%3B+&gs_l=heirloom-serp.1.5.0l10.600390.608268.0.613200. 1594.2683.5-2j8-1.3.0.msedr...0...1ac.1.34.heirloom-serp..8.3.2682.dGRp4lhiUH0

You could enhance your microbiome (mainly the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, which produce a large proportion of your neurotransmitters, and some vitamins) by regular consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, tofu, natto, and take a probiotic, preferably a yogurt containing Shirota, or one with an enteric coating; Google supplies, or mercola.com have some. See http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/20/gut-brain-connection.aspx

Take at least 4, and up to 9 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, (high in E.P.A.) or the recommended dose of a high quality of fish, or krill oil** daily, like Carlsons, or Melrose: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or its FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it!

Basically, if a vitamin supplement shows dl, which is the acronym for dextro-levo, it contains both isomers, and is therefore synthetic in origin. View: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=dextro-levo%3B+vitamins&btnG=Google+Search

Females may benefit by balancing the DHA, & EPA versions of Omega 3 in fish, or krill oil with ALA flaxseed oil Omega 3, or at least one heaped tablespoonful of ground flaxseed, daily. Vegetarians: Google: "Omega 3; algae; supplies" and use with flaxseed. **Use the www.mercola.com SEARCHBAR. Most people in the USA get several times more omega 6 than omega 3, when a far healthier ratio would be closer to 1.5 to 1.

Also see http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Brain_fog_-_poor_memory,_difficulty_thinking_clearly_etc

You could also consult a doctor regarding testing thyroid function, vitamins B12, D*, and deficiencies or excessive levels of minerals such as copper, and zinc.

Depending on how things go with the above, you may also wish to consult a naturopath.

Mohammed Nasreldin
02-13-2016, 04:42 AM
The problem here is that you may sleep late at night near to the sunset time. At night you must make sure that there is no light around and its complete darkness not even a mobile phone light, this helps a very important hormone to be produced. Sleep at a place were there is no mobile phone around because they emit harmful rays from cellular towers. Also avoid food that contain Sodium Glutamate which is found at fast food like noodles,hotdogs,burgers etc. Now if you wake up with brain fog even after doing these things then you may want to go for a walk or a run or do some exercise that makes you sweat, this makes you feel better. You may even go to a park in the fresh air and talk to someone or play a sport. I also have brain fog at some times but the above will help me for sure.

salvator here
02-13-2016, 11:07 PM
Thanks guys for your advice.

Nowuccas ~ That's a lot of good detailed information here, and your diet recommendations are well worth considering. I'll read your links and references to what you've given and will be taking them into consideration, and if it gets worse, I'll indeed get it checked further by a doctor.

Mohammed ~ Yes, sleeping problems can really cause Brain Fog (as well as a host of other issues), and wouldn't it be nice if we all had an ideal sleeping environment/schedule; unfortunately its not always possible this 24 hour world. I take sleep when I can get it, and sadly sometimes it during the day when its bright and noisy. And you're right, there is no replacement for fresh air and exercise. Luckily for me (and hopefully for you as well) it does pass as the day progresses.

Side note: And I write all this sitting here drinking a huge black coffee to try and clear the cobwebs and come to life from my zombie state LOL