View Full Version : Still anxious after haldol

02-12-2016, 04:21 PM
Has anyone taken this? I had to go to the ER Tuesday night because I had been vomiting etc for days. Instead of giving me zofran or phenergan the dr gave me haldol and cogentin. My head is just now getting back to normal. I don't understand what made him give me that? I was not have a physchotic break. Even the nurses looked a bit wary about it. It really scared me. The first few minutes after the haldol, before they came in with the cogentin I seriously though I was going to lose my mind! I wanted to come out of my skin. Idk how long I could have dealt with that. I feel like reporting him to the medical board. That's how awful the experience was. I'm still kind of feeling it now. My head is fuzzy and tired but my body is awake. I only had .50mg and it was on Tuesday night. Will it ever go away completely?