View Full Version : Help

Becky Hendry
02-11-2016, 01:10 PM
Hi guys, so I'm 17 years old and i don't want to sound stupid on here but I think i have an anxiety problem, its not been officially diagnosed by a doctor but I feel like that's what I have. I generally just feel anxious most of the time but since summer I've had some really tough times since then and I had a few anxiety attacks back then but they aren't too frequent now, the worst part is when I have a bad night and that common feeling of worry starting in the pit of my stomach and gradually engulfs me (idk if that sounds silly but its the only way I can seem to describe it) its terrible and I have started self harming but have recently forced myself to stop. I don't really know what to do, my boyfriend really wants me to go to the doctors but i don't want to be labelled as having some sort of disorder because I feel like its just been over exaggerated for me and I don't want to make it into such a big deal as my family has other things to worry about.. found out last week that my gran has cancer, which isn't really helping. Also my dad is one of those cynical types that believes in self help and often thinks me saying I have anxiety is really just me being lazy (incase you're wondering, he's an absolute dickhead) but I just don't know what to do.. now I'm writing this it seems like a bit of a pointless post but i just want like an outsiders opinion because I think I probably do need help, I'm just fucking scared of getting it, any help or advice would be appreciated!!

02-11-2016, 02:23 PM
Please get some help. Even if you just talked to someone, I think it would make you feel better. Don't worry about labels about disorders. You need to understand what is going on with you. Do it for your boyfriend. If you have ever self-harmed, that's some serious stuff, so I think you'd feel better. (P.S. I'm sorry about your dad not being understanding)