View Full Version : Writing an essay about Anxiety

02-10-2016, 10:16 PM
Hey guys, I'm doing a English course at University, and I've had the urge to write about my battle through Anxiety and how I've overcame it a little (Well sort of Haha) it's going to have a lot on what's happened in my life, and things I had to overcome, would it be okay to write about it for an English essay, I know it might sound depressing, but I feel as though people could relate to some extent, and I'm going to write about how I've overcame most of it compared to years ago.

Do you guys think it will be a good idea to write about it and read it out in class? A lot of people are friendly on my course, and some are anxiety sufferers too.

Defeat Panic
02-10-2016, 10:24 PM
Hey Hardy2016. Yea its great you're sharing about your anxiety. Most people would be scared to show and tell others that they suffered from anxiety. Mostly out of shame, fear of being ridiculed or seen as weird/insane.
Please be sure to include in your anxiety paper that anxiety is NOT a mental illness contrary to popular belief but just a vicious cycle pattern of thought. It's a great way to spread awareness on how people view anxiety and anxiety sufferes and let them know yes that there is hope to overcome it.

Since it's something you have personal experience with, I'm pretty sure you'll write one NICE HELLA of paper.