View Full Version : Sick from Anxiety. oh no

02-10-2016, 02:02 AM
Hiya! i have had anxiety most of my life, but for the past month it has affected me so bad. I have changing physical symptoms. It has scared me a lot as i have a fear of vomiting (I have not vomited from anxiety yet thank god) but this past week has been the worst! First i was stressing myself out because of a salmonella outbreak in certain salads, and i had in fact been eating salad and so i thought i had it and i started feeling really sick. However by the time i realised i wasnt infected i had more stress from the fact my friends had been ill. But monday i didnt eat much, until i realised i was constipated lmao, and suddenly i could eat. I had a decent dinner that night. However about an hour later sudden stomach pain occurred and it scared me because i associate pain with vomiting, but i went to the toilet and passed a little bit of stool, i think it was the main blockage haha, i shouldve passed more but it hurt my stomach to push, but 5-10 minutes later and i felt no more pain.
Anyway yesterday was so bad, i woke up with a weird abdominal sensation, i thought it was hunger but the thought of food made me feel sicker. I didnt eat all day apart from little nibbles, but basically nothing. i was scared and wanted to cry multiple times. I went to a doctor for a 4th time in the past month only to be told it is my anxiety but i got a form to have a test done to ease my mind. i also kept having urges to have bowel movements, but often when i went nothing would come out except maybe some clear liquid (Mucus i think?) Today i woke up feeling sick ish and i started shaking in fear until i calmed myself down realising its anxiety, i then found that i thought i was actually hungry but i couldnt eat until after i got my test done, but when i got home its like i wasnt hungry again but my weird abdominal feelings stayed.

I managed to eat almost 2 pieces of toast in a time of half an hour maybe an hour. I ate slowly because i kept belching after each bite, i also got the feeling of a lump in my throat. But overall i felt okay, the sensation in my abdomen no longer made me feel like i was sick, i wasnt scared and i could move about happily to vacuum the house. I ate a piece of chocolate and felt sick to the stomach, the feeling did subside. I tried eating half a banana too. I also discovered that i had lost 1 kilo in 18 hours. i also think im still constipated. After straining real hard to pass a stool i started feeling ill. Now after a day of being calm with simple abdominal discomfort and belching my abdominal areas feel more uncomfortable and im shaking/trembling again in fear that i might end up vomiting. My abdomen feels like its burning in a way, its weird and i just read about stomach ulcers and realise i have some symptoms and im scared i have one. But anyway after not eating properly for a few days and spending yesterday practically eating nothing i feel like im eating too much today, im about to have dinner and i no longer feel like having any. i think i need to eat something because i cant eat tomorrow morning becaus im getting my test done (i couldnt do it today because i didnt know i wasnt allowed to drink water beforehand) I just cant even tell when im hungry anymore and im really upset by everything and i feel hopeless and im so scared that im going to end up vomiting, i hope vomiting isnt tooooooo common with anxiety because the thought of it alleviates my anxiety.

Thanks for reading lmao, hope you all have a good day.