View Full Version : New Here

02-09-2016, 12:25 PM
I've been lurking this forum for some time now. Searching for answers and trying to learn ways to help myself.

My anxiety started about 6 months ago. Woke me right out of a sleep. Was the worst experience I have ever had no to mention scary! I had this one episode, ended up in the ER and was told it was anxiety. I hadn't had one since. Then starting last week, it all went downhill from there. Woke me up again only this time I was more panicked than the last time had extreme shakes and was so upset because anyone I called couldn't get there fast enough. Back to the ER I went, this time in an ambulance. Lab tests done, came back fine. Hooked up to the heart monitor, was fine. All the classic signs of another anxiety attack. To say this has been awful is an understatement. I am on Lexipro now as well as valium when needed. Last week I missed most of work because I couldn't even function. On Friday, I felt like I was going crazy in my head and NO ONE could understand. Flushing nonstop, heart palpitations, constant worry and so much more. I drove myself to our local behavioral health facility begging for help. It was then, they took me in, helped me to calm down and to realize this was just the start of a struggle I am going to have to fight. They gave me resources that were never given to me when I was in the ER. They gave me a 24 hour hotline I can call at anytime if I needed it. They reassured me that I was NOT crazy!

The fight is real and there is no easy way to describe to anyone that has not experienced it what it is like. Slowly I'm "hoping" the medicine is getting into my system. It hasn't quite been a week yet but I no longer have the flushing as much. Heart palpitations are much less and I'm back to work. Mornings are tough for me, today was one of them. A co-worker and I went for a walk and it really did help. I am going to fight this and win! I just have to keep trudging. I just want you all to know that reading your stories really has helped me. I finally did not feel alone anymore. Almost anything I searched for as a "symptom" of something being wrong another person has also had. I hope and pray every day gets better and I hope the same for all of you. Thank you for sharing your stories because as a newbie to this, it helped me more than you can imagine.
