View Full Version : Anxiety or Something Else??

02-08-2016, 12:35 PM
Hi all,

I'm new to the site and this is my first post however, I'm certainly not new to the struggle with anxiety. Please forgive me if I ramble on but I'll very much appreciate any help or advice offered.
I'll start with a bit of my background. I'm a 32yo male and I had my first panic attack almost 3 years ago due to a combination of work stress and huge life events, moved house twice, got engaged and got into a lot of debt. Ever since then I've had all the common symptoms - stomach problems, constant chest pains, tension headaches, fear of situations out of my comfort zone, pains and sensations all over my body as if the anxiety is working through one limb or organ at a time. Before my first panic attack I hadn't seen a doctor in 10 years, in the 3 years since I've been to my GP around 6-7 times. I got prescribed omeprazole which I stopped taking because of side effects. I did a lot of reading and slowly learned how to deal with my symptoms, identified triggers and in the last year have made massive improvements in tackling this beast. My last visit to my GP was last summer and he basically told me I'm a hypochondriac and embarrassed me and made me feel very stupid. Since then I vowed to help myself and convinced myself that I was a hypochondriac.
Although I'm about a stone overweight and was a heavy smoker, I've always been physically active, playing soccer, squash and doing some weights/circuits etc. at home. I have stopped smoking and I am watching what I eat and trying to get back to a reasonable weight.
Anyway, to my current problem which has been going on for just over a year now. I have seen some of my symptoms linked to anxiety/stress and bad posture, but not my EXACT symptoms so I'm here to see if anyone can relate.
On and off for the last year I have had a pain in the side of my neck, sometimes a dull ache, sometimes quite sharp but I seem to be almost always aware of it. The pain feels like it's near my throat, behind the muscle where the carotid artery is. Sometimes it feels like the artery is throbbing. The pain comes when I sit leaning to the right slightly as a dull pain, which leads me to believe it's muscular however the worrying times are when the pain comes on all of a sudden when I'm in a stressful or excited state. It appears instantly and feels like something is pinching my neck, underneath the muscle. After a few seconds the pain will travel to behind my left eye and feel like pressure/pain pushing out. It will also travel to the top of my head, slightly left side. Once I regain composure and the situation normalises, I get very fatigued and can barely talk to anyone for a couple of hours until the fatigue goes away. I also get a very strange feeling like a shudder at the back of my neck during stressful situations.
As I'm sure most people can relate to, I've googled my symptoms and came up with bad posture, stress, tension, thyroid problems, cancer, possible aneurisym, etc.
The worrying thing for me is I've tackled and beaten or at least improved all my other anxiety issues but this one. I don't know what to do as my GP is a douche and I feel like I'm slipping into a depression worrying my neck artery will burst the next time I'm stressed/excited. I've a few big things planned this year with family and friends and they terrify me that at worst, they will cause something to bad to happen to me and at best, I won't enjoy them because of the pain and anticipation of something bad happening.

Again, apologies for my ramble, thanks for your time and any help will be much appreciated!

02-15-2016, 11:34 AM
Hi! I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. Chronic problems are super-frustrating (I had major sinus surgery 15 years ago, and have had a runny nose every day since, ugh!).

Since it sounds like you've only gotten one opinion, what about seeing another doctor? Does your plan allow that? If not, maybe try looking for a free clinic. There's one in my area I've been to several times and they've been helpful. I really hope you can do this, no one should have to suffer!

Mohammed Nasreldin
02-15-2016, 01:48 PM
Sir, The pain you experience is either from anxiety or an hyperactive thyroid. Did you know that anxiety have more than 100 symptoms. Pain in the neck may also not be a symptom of anxiety, it may be a muscle tension from the activities you do. Try to have a massage for relaxing, and if that didn’t work, then check a doctor for checking if your thyroid was hyperactive. And if your thyroid is normal, then its probably anxiety, as anxiety changes the chemistry of the brain, you may experience anything. So my advice is when you get that pain suddenly, think that it is anxiety and its nothing harmful and ignore it by keeping yourself engaged. Hopefully you will forget about it and it may go forever as anxiety creates a new symptom for me every week LOL.

02-16-2016, 04:20 AM
Hi guys,
Thank you for your replies, I posted the same question on a physiotherapy forum after posting here and got a response that a likely cause could be the sternocleidomastoid muscle in my neck which I have agitated with a combination of stress/poor posture. A lot of the symptoms seem to match mine and more importantly I have been performing some neck stretches and trying to improve my posture since and I already feel an improvement in my symptoms. I am going to get an appointment with a physio for evaluation and maybe some massage treatment to see if it will help further.
I will follow both your advice and follow up with a doc if the physio doesn't work. I also have a lot of symptoms in common with a hyperactive thyroid so I will see how things go with physio first.

Encourager they are the most frustrating things in life! What have we done to deserve them?!

Mohammed I know exactly how you feel, when you think you have mastered control of one symptom, when you get it you laugh at it and tell your body stop being silly it's only a bit of anxiety, then next time your body creates a brand new symptom for you to deal with and the panic and hard work to control it starts all over again! :(

02-18-2016, 12:25 AM
You should go for proper treatmnet quickly, if you want to enjoy fully with your family and friends. Chronic pain can make you depressed and trigger your anxiety issues, so consult with your doctor and therapist.