View Full Version : Derealization, but not quite :S can anyone relate?

09-22-2008, 10:06 AM
I can be in the busiest of places or sitting at home on my own and it will suddenly come over me as if it's like I'm watching a film and everything is going on around me like no one can see me and I'm not actually there, as if I'm not real, I hold no significance to anything. It's so wierd, however it's not like a 24 hours a day thing I probably feel it once a day, it comes and goes...
Does any one get this? It gives me a wierd feeling, like depressed but without the sadness, just complete indifference to everything. Hard to explain!

09-22-2008, 04:27 PM
Hi again!
I used to get derealization and it lasted on and off about 3 months. It is a really strange feeling isnt it. It would come out of nowhere and then disapear shortly after but whilst going through it everything would seem strange as though for example, other people around me who I know, seemed not that close to me and I felt really distant from them, almost like I was an outsider. Everything seemed like it was dull and if it had to be described as a colour it would be a grey/brown sepia colour. When I was outdoors and it happened, houses and buildings seemed really 'empty' looking. It is hard to describe. It felt like I do when I am waking up out of a bad dream. It is so hard to describe but it left me feeling really sickly and flat but I wasnt depressed .That was one of the worst aspects of my anxiety.I thought I was actually losing my mind and it was very frightening. I told people about it and once I did that it didnt seem so scary. I dont know why it stopped but it did of its own accord. It just went and I have not felt like that in some time now, thankfully. When I had CBT counselling, my counsellor told me that derealisation is a tired mind due to all the anxiety, that closes down a little in order for it to rest and that gives way to the strange feelings. Once she had told me that it really helped and maybe that helped in the feelings going away as I was no longer as scared by them as I had previously been. I never thought that they would go away and I thought that I would keep getting the feelings forever but they have gone and I am sure yours will go too.

09-22-2008, 05:35 PM
... I can relate... I haven't exactly experienced all side effects of anxiety, but derealization is extremely uncomfortable, especially if you aren't aware it's anxiety, like myself for a long, long time.. I was that bad i used to literally think nothing was real! from music to people to my parents!.. I used to question if they were actually there... everything around me was fake and just.. well, i don't really like thinking about it! :) I was full of adrenaline from the second i woke up, till the second i shut my eyes for about 4 years i think.. Irrational thoughts, depression, OCD, the lot........

and now, it's all gone......determination i guess. :)

09-22-2008, 05:44 PM
You have done really well in overcoming your anxiety problems. Its horrible to think that you had to suffer with it all for 4 years! I whinge and moan about having anxiety for nearly 6 months! I admire you! Do none of the problems ever come back?