02-08-2016, 11:21 AM
I've been going to the dentist my entire life for a wide variety of things. I never had any problem, and the procedures were long and invasive (root canals, implant, etc.).
About 6 months ago, the dentist injected me with novocane before a procedure and the epi went right into my vein and sent my heart racing. It was terrifying. I let him know right away and he said to "walk it off." That certainly helped, however, since I am one of the anxiety prone, my crocodile brain has anchored a racing heart rate with being in the dentist chair. They have switched to a non epi novocane for me, but alas, the damage has been done. Telling myself that I've had nearly hundreds of procedures done with no issue is not working. My appointment is in 3 hours and I am going to take Xanax to get through it. I want to take enough to really put a damper on my flight or fight response. My prescription is for 0.5mg - I use it sparingly, and as a last resort. That dosage will take the edge off, but it will not suppress the physical sensations. Any recommendations on how much to take? 1g? I simply want to survive the procedure in tact.
About 6 months ago, the dentist injected me with novocane before a procedure and the epi went right into my vein and sent my heart racing. It was terrifying. I let him know right away and he said to "walk it off." That certainly helped, however, since I am one of the anxiety prone, my crocodile brain has anchored a racing heart rate with being in the dentist chair. They have switched to a non epi novocane for me, but alas, the damage has been done. Telling myself that I've had nearly hundreds of procedures done with no issue is not working. My appointment is in 3 hours and I am going to take Xanax to get through it. I want to take enough to really put a damper on my flight or fight response. My prescription is for 0.5mg - I use it sparingly, and as a last resort. That dosage will take the edge off, but it will not suppress the physical sensations. Any recommendations on how much to take? 1g? I simply want to survive the procedure in tact.