View Full Version : What changed?

02-08-2016, 12:40 AM
Well I've been suffering from severe anxiety and depression for a good 5-6 years. I've tried all the all the conventional routes (medication/cbt etc) but they did not help in a meaningful way or came with severe side effects so I gave up hope on ever getting better for the longest time. Recently I got fed up with life and decided to proactively try things in the hope of getting better. I decided to give some supplements a try knowing I probably was deficient in a bunch of them. So I have been taking 50,000 UI D3 (with k2 to prevent calcium in my blood), 600mg cheated magnesium, 2g's of EPA+DHA and a B-Complex for the past 5 days. And I had the weirdest feeling when I woke up my negative inner-voice was not there to greet me and head head was silent and my brain fog had cleared and I felt an unusual amount of energy. I don't know which of the supplements did it but I just thought I'd put it out there in the hopes it may help someone else or maybe someone can help me understand why I feel so much better as it's such a surreal feeling I think I may be dreaming.

Mohammed Nasreldin
02-08-2016, 04:59 AM
This is the effect of the medications, it made your mind relax, But it temporary and will come so try to these medications regularly to get rid from anxiety, All the best.

salvator here
02-08-2016, 07:10 AM
Just go with it and enjoy it while it lasts, and hope this is a good sign you are experiencing a huge breakthrough in your recovery. I take a simple benedryl every night and while there is no proof its working, for only $2 for 100 tabs its a cheap solution for me and I'll keep thinking its working, and nobody can tell me different :)

That's great you are doing better on your own (I say "on your own" because you deserve the credit) especially after feeling fed up with your life. You can improve if you are determined and don't give up. It is possible you may have been deficient in those vitamins and minerals, and some might say they are safer then some of the prescription drugs we poison our bodies with. While I don't have any evidence to back it up, I've often wondered if the Omega 3 Fatty Acids are beneficial for brain functions. I've read it is, but have not tried them personally. So if it seems to be helping, that is good news! I'm surprised you didn't do well with CBT (it really helped me a lot), but we all are different I guess.