View Full Version : scary experience at the ER yesterday

Nic Marsella
02-05-2016, 03:28 PM
I hadn't been feeling well for a couple days prior to yesterday, coughing and runny nose and such. ultimately I went to the ER and it turns out I have bronchitis. I got a couple breathing treatments and some steroids while I was there but out of the blue, I got literally the WORST panic attack I've ever had. I took my as-needed Xanax with no effect, the dr had to order 2mg of Ativan which they gave to me in a needle, and a few minutes after that I passed out. that was so scary and I don't want to rewind it in my head, this forum helps, ya know? I can at least get it off my chest and just say it without having to speak. although I hope I don't have to go back to the ER.

02-05-2016, 08:31 PM
I wonder if the steroids had some effect??? I don't think you'll have to go back. You got sick with bronchitis and now you're getting better.