View Full Version : Girlfriend Suffers with Anxiety - Need Help.

02-05-2016, 11:24 AM
Hello All - First of I will just say a thank to the people that run this forum, its a great source for people having problems or need help with Anxiety.

My Situation, my girlfriend of 7 years suffers with anxiety. Im 27 she is 26 The first 5 years of our relationship, it was under control and she was not taking any medication and apart from a few things here and there nothing really to report.

2 years ago something triggered a really bad spell and she went through a stage of being signed of work of 2/3 months. During this period she rarely spoke to me and always went to her mother for support. I would have to drop her off at her mothers before work each morning and she would spend the day there. I would then collect her after work and bring her back to our home. The evenings would consist of her not really speaking, not making conversation unless I made it, Me trying to comfort her and just rinse and repeat until she came through it.

She was subscribed during that time 40mg of citalopram which she took daily and has done for the last 2 years. There have been no relapses in the past 2 years which is great and I thought that would be case just as long as she took the medication, I guess she also thought this.

Last Saturday she woke me up Saturday morning in tears, asking to speak to me as she was worried about work. I tried my best to comfort her, we took a trip out for the day and all seemed fine. Monday morning she went to work but only made it to speak to her manager and they decided it was best she went home. She asked her mother to pick her up and she went back to hers. Since then this week she has been signed off again for 2 weeks by the doctor and is spending all her time at her mothers with the same routine as 2 years ago.

I love my girlfriend, we have a house together, two cats you know just a normal couple. What really get's to me though is that she only can find comfort with her mother due to how close they were when she was young. I go out of my way to try and do the best I can to make it a comfortable environment for her when she is having a hard time, but it is like I am living with someone who is not interested in what you have to say or what you have done/doing. It's a one way street when she is like this, she has no interest in my day to day activities, doesn't make conversation and is just oblivious to any of my needs. All that matters to her is that she is with her mother at her childhood home, nothing else matters. Which is hard for me as to me our home now is the one we have bought together, she should find comfort in being with me and know that she is safe when she is with me and I am there for what ever she needs.

If others are going through the same situation or similar situation as me, I would love to know how you deal with it and help your partner through bad periods.

Thanks for listening.

02-05-2016, 08:35 PM
I don't know what to say except I actually think you should see a therapist and find out if she really NEEDS to go to her mother's house or if this is going to be an ongoing problem in your relationship. Does she know how this makes you feel when she shuts you out completely in her time of need?

Mohammed Nasreldin
02-06-2016, 04:26 AM
Going for a trip with someone you love for having a great time will make her forget her anxiety and feel better throughout the day. Go to a place were she loved to go before and make it a surprise, Try to make her enjoy and laugh and dont give her a chance to think about anxiety.