View Full Version : Whenever I hear noise where I live from other tenants, be it music or whatever...

02-04-2016, 02:58 PM
I hang myself onto it and get reall really mad about it.

I feel like I am disrespected you know? and its not just people walking about, its thumping with legs, annoying bassy music which I have complained about, and I dont know what to do...
It roils me up so much that I can have a hard time falling asleep!

I...please, someone help me, I think I am losing my mind here...

salvator here
02-05-2016, 12:58 AM
Its tough, I know it all too well. I have noisy neighbors that move in, and because they are not here permanently, they feel they they can do whatever they want while they are here.

When you have anxiety or headaches, loud bass is painful and make you feel like you can't escape the torture. Its different when we are playing our own loud music I suppose. There isn't much you can do if they are within the noise ordnance (Up till 10PM here), so you could try ear plugs or moving your bed all around the room to see where the least amount of noise resonance is in the room. I've done this and found it helped me a lot.

Good luck though, know its hard.