View Full Version : Muscle twitching/Pulsating diving me crazy!!

09-22-2008, 07:03 AM

About a month ago my cheek started to twitch a couple of times a day, i ignored it for a couple of days but in the end decided to look up on the internet what the problem could be. I ended up convincing myself that i had some rather nasty neuro diseases, i had a terrible panic attack and ever since then my muscles are twitching all over my body mainly my arms, legs,chest and shoulder blades. I know that i also suffer from OCD and that has also gotten much worse :( I have been to the doctor twice now and they told me that it is anixety and she said she would fall of her chair if it was anything horrible!! she has put me on a course of Citralopram which she said would help but not for about 3-4 weeks until it begins to work. The problem is i just can't stop thinking that it is something much worse and that i'm going to die. Have other people experienced this symptom of aniexty and did it eventually go?



09-22-2008, 11:11 AM
You are not alone..you sound like me except I have pain too. I started off having migratory pains 3 months ago-shooting, stabbing all over my body. Now I get muscle twitches everywhere, all the time, even when I wake up in the middle of the night--is this how yours is?

I have had an MRI and nerve testing and am cleared---they think its all anxiety related

10-10-2008, 06:36 AM

Yes. I had full-body muscle twitching and facial tics for months. Still have them, but they are infrequent. Of course, you did what I did and looked online and the first thing that popped up was ALS. So, now you think you're going to die a horrible death .... just like I thought. All of which worsens your sensations. You may even have racing negative thought processes and find it hard to sleep. Calm down! You do not have a serious illness. It is anxiety. The twitching cannot harm you and will dissipate as soon as you calm yourself and focus outward instead of inward. I know you will be fine .... just stop the endless cycle of worry and self diagnosis and sensation monitoring. Good luck in your recovery.