View Full Version : Toxic Relationship with my mom. I feel like she's obsessed with me.

02-01-2016, 08:02 PM
This is a long story,but i'll try to make it short. For a long time, me and my mom have been arguing a lot. I'm very close with her however theres times when we argue and it makes me really hate my mom at times. My mom and I live together and we don't have family that is close to us and she doesn't have a group of "friends" to socialize with. I don't have that many people to socialize with even though I try. Since i am her only child and she is a single mother she has always been by my side and dedicated so much of her time to me and still does. She makes me her number one priority. She puts me before her, if you understand what I mean. However, the "situation", is that ever since i was 12 I felt like my didn't give me any space and we spent so much time together since i was homeschooled. What I mean by her not giving me any distance is that she would wink at me and sometimes look at me a lot and make comments about how i was beautiful or cute or (sexy when i dressed up almost everyday.Before that i felt uncomfortable from her due to my own reasons which i won't go in depth now. However for a long time now i notice that my mom is always STARING at me. I feel like she is peering into my soul or analyzing my body by the way she stares. That's why it makes me uncomfortable and very frustrated. For example, if she is watching tv and i am in the kitchen doing something instead she would be staring at me while she is eating or whatever. She will stare for long time. The point is if you are watching tv why are you staring at me especially if I'm in the kitchen and i get creeped out because when i turn around and see her mad dogging me. When i was at school she passed by my classroom, then when she came to pick me up in her car, she parked in front of the subway my classmates and i were at and when i came out i saw her deeply staring at me. Also when i was going to church she told me to wear a shorter dress even though i wanted to be modest and wear the longer one

Another reason why I feel uncomfortable is because usually men or boys stare at me or wink at me. I feel like she is sexually attracted even though its not true.For two years i created this paranoia that she was attracted to me in a sexual way.i was scared of my mom. She doesn't wink at me anymore since I told my doctor(who said that even she winks at her own kids) and perhaps she told my mom. I have tried numerous times that i don't feel comfortable with her staring she just tells me to shut up or stop thinking wrongly or doesn't even reply. Im crying and frustrated. Also i told my therapist about the paranoia experience and he told me to write it down, or tell myself to stop however i didn't mention the staring to him in detail.
Another ex, today i walked out of the living room and turned back to turn on the heater and she started to stare again, and i said what and she grinned and said what i can't look. I just don't like her constantly turning her head staring. I'm crying, so frustrated. Why is she always doing this?

i CANT focus in school or at home because this constantly is in my mind. Can someone PLEASE reply i really need advice.???!! thank you in advance

What should i do? Am i paranoid? Can you relate? Im a teenager.

02-01-2016, 08:34 PM
I think she's just so proud of her child and pleased with you so she stares. Can you try to find more privacy someplace else? Do you have a computer you can just look and try to ignore the staring. I hope you can get more friends. That will help.