View Full Version : Fainting sensation

01-31-2016, 01:41 PM

01-31-2016, 05:00 PM
Hi everyone

I am in need of some desperate reassurance... please. I have practically become an agoraphobic and my life has been stolen by my thoughts and sensations. For the past month I will go very faint out of the blue, my eyes go dark and my hands/body start shaking. Being a hypochondriac, I have been to the doctor multiple times and he says it is ‘nothing’... as a lot of you know the thoughts from my health anxiety are going crazy and telling me it is dangerous and I am going to die. I get these bouts f pre-fainting feeling every couple of weeks. I am only a teenager and I am scared of losing my college place  Please can I have some reassurance? Thank you!!!
Will I be ok???

I really know what you are going through, I had exactly the same symptom. It is caused by hyperventilation during a panic attack. Even though it is nothing to worry about, it can feel damn scary when it happens. What you do need to remember is, you cannot physically faint during a panic attack, because your blood pressure actually goes up. You might feel a little wobbly, but fainting can only occur when your blood pressure drops.

I do understand what you are going through, since this was the toughest symptom for me to deal with. I'm also an agoraphobic and have been dealing with similar symptoms for eight years. However, I have found the "cure". The only way to say goodbye to panic forever, is to face your symptoms and just let it happen. Remember that it is just a feeling and that it cannot physically hurt you. Also, remember that the anxiety will pass, no matter how intense the feelings are at the moment. The only way to deal with anxiety is to face and accept, and let time pass of course. :)

Trust me when I say you can beat this. I could not leave my house a year ago. Now I can go on walks by myself and even go in a store by myself. So big progress! You can feel better, just accept the anxiety and let it flow over you :)

01-31-2016, 09:39 PM
Hi Tis
Last Saturday, I made a big embarrassment in front of my family due recurring panic & anxiety attack. I have been in medication for about 1.5 year, and everything is pointless, my anxiety and panic still persist and even I cannot control it because I already forget how it feel and how to overcome. Yes, I also experiencing fainting sensation, my leg is very weak start from Last Saturday, I felt so nauseous.

What I interested to discuss here is about your hypochondria. Trust me, I am a big fan with this word. I have been into this kind of anxiety as long as I remember, things getting worse and I cant keep my head off it. Mostly about "C" think (maybe you know what I mean), and it keep chancing. Like now, I am afraid that i might got brain C, I cant sleep, I took my medication again start from yesterday which I almost finish stop it (1.5 year wasted). Previously, I had an episode of Colon "C" suspicion more than 6 months, I have been through ER, surgeon, which similar like yours, "nothing".

I am 25 this year, married, and on my master's. Things getting harder and harder, but please trust me, we other may experience the same symptom like us, and survive. I have no place to say it off course, but maybe and (I hope) we are fine. :)

02-01-2016, 01:09 AM
Hi Contikitiki - Are you seeing a therapist for your anxiety and phoba? You seem to have a creative mind, much like most people who have fears, compusive thoughts, etc (like me). I am practicing mindfulness, I notice some of my anxiety arises due to negative thoughts and stress (along with certain body sensations). Are you practicing any CBT? Have you talked to your significant other about it? Does your family have a serious illness that may have triggered your thinking?

02-01-2016, 01:49 AM
Hi Contikitiki - Are you seeing a therapist for your anxiety and phoba? You seem to have a creative mind, much like most people who have fears, compusive thoughts, etc (like me). I am practicing mindfulness, I notice some of my anxiety arises due to negative thoughts and stress (along with certain body sensations). Are you practicing any CBT? Have you talked to your significant other about it? Does your family have a serious illness that may have triggered your thinking?

Hi Randomize
Not much lately. I did consulted to my psychiatrist about this matter regularly until early 2015 as well as the medication taper off, but since I move to my current place I have a language difficulties.
My direct family have fairly healthy body and mind, except my cousin who has the same condition with mine, also my granny easily panic but not to this point. One of my grandpa died due Pancreatic C in his very late age, maybe this is the only one I am afraid off.

May I know how you practice your mindfulness? I tried several thing such as listen to the instrumental / nature sound, but it can only last a minute or seconds.

02-01-2016, 05:54 PM
I'm sorry for what you are going through and I can understand how you must be feeling having to deal with this in addition to your course load. You might check out this site when you have some time. Finding a doctor or therapist who will listen is important. I've come across a couple of websites that you might want to check out when you have time: The AnxietySocialInstitute.org and AnxietyNetwork.com. There is an in-depth discussion on at least one of the sites related to agoraphobia and panic disorder that could be useful. Finding a doctor or therapist who is willing to listen and take your symptoms seriously is also very important.

Beyond medication, group, and individual therapy, some people have found noticeable relief through journaling. I don't know if you'd be willing to give writing a try, but there have been many studies done on this simple activity that been shown to be therapeutic not only for anxiety but also for depression and stress management. Reassurance and sometimes just hearing different stories from other people can be helpful in times of great anxiety. So it's very good that you are continuing to connect with others on this forum. I hope some of the resources will be helpful to you in the short and long term. Stay encouraged. I'll be praying for you!

02-01-2016, 06:43 PM
Hi everyone

I am in need of some desperate reassurance... please. I have practically become an agoraphobic and my life has been stolen by my thoughts and sensations. For the past month I will go very faint out of the blue, my eyes go dark and my hands/body start shaking. Being a hypochondriac, I have been to the doctor multiple times and he says it is ‘nothing’... as a lot of you know the thoughts from my health anxiety are going crazy and telling me it is dangerous and I am going to die. I get these bouts f pre-fainting feeling every couple of weeks. I am only a teenager and I am scared of losing my college place  Please can I have some reassurance? Thank you!!!
Will I be ok???

Hi there, it always difficult when you're dealing with anxiety and someone else is dismissing it. Like the posts above, when you're feeling anxious, your adrenaline level will rise and can cause hyperventilation. If you're feeling fainty and you know it's because of your anxiety, take a break and retreat to a private place or hold on to something stable. Control your breathing and slow down the pace. You'll see that as your breathing pace goes down, the lightheadedness will disappear and so will your anxiety. I'd recommend to practice mindfulness breathing for 5 - 10 minutes a day. As you practice, also mentally commend your muscles to relax. If you keep it up everyday, you'll see the great calming effect this will bring.

Good luck and best wishes!

02-02-2016, 11:15 PM
Hi Randomize
Not much lately. I did consulted to my psychiatrist about this matter regularly until early 2015 as well as the medication taper off, but since I move to my current place I have a language difficulties.
My direct family have fairly healthy body and mind, except my cousin who has the same condition with mine, also my granny easily panic but not to this point. One of my grandpa died due Pancreatic C in his very late age, maybe this is the only one I am afraid off.

May I know how you practice your mindfulness? I tried several thing such as listen to the instrumental / nature sound, but it can only last a minute or seconds.

Meditation is good. However, I noticed I cannot meditate when my anxiety kicks in during a business meeting. So, I'm practicing other forms of CBT & mindfulness. It takes a lot of practice and it's still a work-in-progress for me. Sometimes I can allow my thoughts to think whatever it wants and it doesn't bother me. Other times...it can be a challenge. You came up negative in your "C" diagnosis. What is it that you doubt? I only ask you this because my therapist ask me similar questions. The mind can be irrational at times. In regards to mindfulness, I think it's best to understand why you feel the way you do. My therapist recommended "Mind Over Mood." I bought the book at Barnes and Nobles. Maybe you should go to Barnes and Nobles and just skim through the workbook for a few hours inside the store. It sold over 1 million copies, you are not alone. I'm a believer of "change how you feel by changing the way you think." Takes a lot of practice though.

02-02-2016, 11:39 PM
What is my doubt. First the withdrawal symptom from my medication. I am on tapering down my alprazolam (xanax), and it is very hard. This medication taper off left many symptom that similar to more serious disease. The good thing is I know why, had checked myself to dr. countless time, but with my anxiety, off course this is horribly a good trigger. I am agree with you that the mind can be irrational, mine is so random. I really want to practice a lot, but I still have a hindrance in my xanax taper off. Thanks for your input, I will try to find the book and read in my relax time. :)