View Full Version : Severe anxiety with getting back into the work field

01-28-2016, 04:36 PM
So I am going to start off by saying I have severe anxiety/fear when it comes to getting a job because of my horrendous experiences from past jobs I had. I experience stigma, bullying, discrimination at every single job I had. It has been almost 5 years since I actually had employment. I feel like the biggest loser in my entire family. I volunteered for many years because that is what my job coaches kept suggesting they said you might get a reference, it could be a potential job opportunity, experience on your resume, it would build your confidence (it make me feel worse about myself). My brother who is a meth addict has always had jobs. Me on the other hand I struggled with being able to get jobs due to my obvious depression ever since I have started experiencing mania it worked in my favour to land jobs however I cannot keep them at all.