View Full Version : Hypnotherapy (revisited)

09-21-2008, 02:21 PM
Ok so I have dug out my hypnotherapy CD again, but this time, instead of letting myself fall asleep as it said the messages would reach me subconsciously I actually stayed awake and put loads of effort in and did all the thought exercises etc. I felt that when I did it before it helped, but this time it really really helped. I think that it worked like an enforced CBT. I have done self-help CBT but never found it did much good, but in hindsight I think I may have been not putting in a huge amount of mental effort to really change the way I think. With hypnosis, first it relaxes you and then it makes you think of yourself in a more positive way, whilst in a very relaxed, susceptible state, for a full 30 minutes. So I did this for a few days and felt so good that I stopped doing it and then I slipped back to the old negative patterns. So I realise that I have to do this every day for a very long time in order for it to work properly, just as you would do if you were taking CBT seriously. But I recommend it. My CD is very general so you can fit it to whatever you are stressing about at the time.