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Molang Cook
01-25-2016, 11:22 AM
I have struggled with anxiety my whole life. It took a lot out of me to get where i'am now. in a month, changes with my job will be causing me great stress. i already dread it and become overwhelmed. i get bad migraines and sometimes take it out on my fiance. sometimes it makes me feel like giving up on everything. i have trouble coping with what i have to deal with out in the world. i'am also hypersensitive. then it leads to depression and feeling of failure, when i feel i cant cope. i want to be part of a community that knows what i am going through. and also learn to get better. look forward to make online friends, hopefully.

01-25-2016, 12:50 PM
I have struggled with anxiety my whole life. It took a lot out of me to get where i'am now. in a month, changes with my job will be causing me great stress. i already dread it and become overwhelmed. i get bad migraines and sometimes take it out on my fiance. sometimes it makes me feel like giving up on everything. i have trouble coping with what i have to deal with out in the world. i'am also hypersensitive. then it leads to depression and feeling of failure, when i feel i cant cope. i want to be part of a community that knows what i am going through. and also learn to get better. look forward to make online friends, hopefully.

Hi Molang and welcome to the bunch. First, let me reassure you that what you are feeling is quite normal if you suffer from anxiety. Just like you, I've always been quite the nervous person. I've only recovered from a huge anxiety relapse that occurred a couple of weeks ago.

Here are the things that helped me so far (I hope they can help you as well):
1. I realise that my body is responding to the stress I'm feeling, but that these feelings cannot really hurt me.
2. I expand my world a little bit at the time, pushing the boundaries a little further every day, I try not to avoid discomfort now (I'm an agoraphobic with GAD ;))
3. I accept that not everyone understands what I am going through, but that's okay. In the end, I'm the only person I need to get better. Although, it is nice to talk about it sometimes :)
4. When I get full-fledged panic, I try to remember that the feeling is as bad as it is going to get and that it will eventually pass. I also try to see it in a positive light, for example I may get a good sleep after this since my body is working so hard.
5. I try to face situations that scare me and not run away from them, however, I am wary of not taking on too much too soon. Only things I am ready for.
6. If bad thoughts occur, which they often do, I also accept they are there and realise they are part of my body's stress reaction.
7. I try not to care too much about what other people think. Sometimes I fail, but sometimes I win ;)

Hope this helps somewhat :)