View Full Version : Now my New 2nd Job Is also Hardly Allowing Me any Decent Work Hours 4 2nd income?

01-24-2016, 10:10 PM
So now what am i supposed to do? I thought a 2nd job eves and weekends would really help improve my income. Now they have my hours way down for next schedule to 8 puny hours for the week at $10.00 an hour. Do they hate me or WHAT????

03-15-2016, 07:24 AM
So now what am i supposed to do? I thought a 2nd job eves and weekends would really help improve my income. Now they have my hours way down for next schedule to 8 puny hours for the week at $10.00 an hour. Do they hate me or WHAT????

Nobody hates you its the economy and and government based incentive to keep you part-time( i.e...no health benefits required) so don't take it personally. The only thing I can suggest if possible is to look for other employment and perhaps if possible get more education and training to make yourself more attractive to potential employers.

03-15-2016, 03:44 PM
Take away someone’s job and watch how personal they take it then. People are so overly invested - from self to things that don't even exist.

Adjust ones aims to fit ones means, rather than trying to change the means to fit ones dreams. The later I have found only sees me living in a world of continual want.

I quit the system ages ago, and have never looked backed. The Us and Them Mentality will for ever see slaves turning the wheel, no matter how much education and qualification one is inadvertently force to acquire.

There has been a pattern with these posts in the hating of what one chooses to do. Every choice need not be an active one. Making passive choices by changing ones view can bring about a whole new set of choices that require non the BS prerequisites that society claims it needs.

Be happy with what you have. If you don't like it, then leave. I don't think you could be more miserable given whatever alternatives; than what your last few posts been.

Helps to change the tune. Then maybe the wheel may not be so hard to turn?
What do you think? Time for a change in the way you think?

03-24-2016, 12:25 PM
I just started 2nd job for extra money at Home Depot. They are hiring a ton of people with spring coming. 10$ an hour to start and so far looks like 20 hrs a week.