View Full Version : Doctors giving up on me???

01-24-2016, 04:43 PM
Hi, so I've been visiting the doctors for a few years now with anxiety and depression. I've been on sertraline, citalopram, fluoxetine, duloxepene, venlafaxine and propananol. Nothing worked! I've also had CBT and counselling and they didn't work either. To give a bit of back story I have been dealing with symptoms of anxiety for as long as I can remember, my parents started taking me to the doctors when I was 4 when it started as night terrors and it escalated from there and I started to convince myself that people were stalking me, taking photos and videos of me, that I was giving people incurable diseases and that I was dying (all of which there was no evidence for). It got so bad that if I touched someone or had to leave the house I would cry because I thought they were going to die. I started self harming too because of all this. But my doctor has now told me that I'm not his problem anymore and I feel so lost and alone like nobody is listening or will help.

I don't know what to do at all because I've started getting really bad head zaps too and nobody will listen to me or take me serious anymore!

I also don't sleep anymore!

01-24-2016, 06:40 PM
I don't know where you live but that is not right for a doctor to tell you that you're not his problem anymore. You need to find another doctor. Keep searching until you find someone that will help you.

The Intolerable Kid
01-26-2016, 07:02 AM
Anne 1221 is right, get another Dr. It's not unheard of to be written off by a Dr. (my father in law's Dr. told him to "go home and die" when he had terminal cancer).
As far as I know, if there's still money to be made by treating someone (and the patient can pay or has insurance) they'll still see you.

01-26-2016, 08:56 AM
Wow that's terrible my doctor never written me off but I know the feeling of not being heard! I tried telling my doctor about my anxiety all he did was put me on a higher dose of a Anti-depressant/sleeping pill. It made me more depressed/suicidal/anxious You should definitely look for a new doctor. May I ask how long you had this doctor?

01-26-2016, 11:40 AM
Hi, I so feel for you and all you are going through. I can see by the help you have already sought that you want to get better and are willing to try different things. Please do not give up trying... and do not give up hope. Can you switch to a new doctor? I can tell you from my own experience with doctors that they can be like night and day from each other in how far they are willing to go to find the answers you need. I believe there is help out there for you and I will be praying for you that you will find that right doctor for you.

01-29-2016, 01:26 AM
Hi, so I've been visiting the doctors for a few years now with anxiety and depression. I've been on sertraline, citalopram, fluoxetine, duloxepene, venlafaxine and propananol. Nothing worked! I've also had CBT and counselling and they didn't work either. To give a bit of back story I have been dealing with symptoms of anxiety for as long as I can remember, my parents started taking me to the doctors when I was 4 when it started as night terrors and it escalated from there and I started to convince myself that people were stalking me, taking photos and videos of me, that I was giving people incurable diseases and that I was dying (all of which there was no evidence for). It got so bad that if I touched someone or had to leave the house I would cry because I thought they were going to die. I started self harming too because of all this. But my doctor has now told me that I'm not his problem anymore and I feel so lost and alone like nobody is listening or will help.

I don't know what to do at all because I've started getting really bad head zaps too and nobody will listen to me or take me serious anymore!

I also don't sleep anymore!

Sorry to hear about what you're going through. There's no point trying to stay with a doctor that doesn't want to treat his patient. Please look for another doctor and keep on fighting. Good luck!