View Full Version : Does alochol help you socialize if you have social anxiety?

01-23-2016, 01:06 PM
I absolutely despise socializing I know it is needed but does alochol help minimize being socially awkwardness as well.

01-23-2016, 09:07 PM
I don't know if it is exactly proven to reduce social anxiety, but there is definitely a lowering of inhibitions in general. From my observations and experience, people are generally more relaxed and social when they have had a few drinks. The only problem is if you are using it deliberately to become more social, it could become a crutch. I'm not a big drinker - but have no real objections to light to moderate responsible use of alcohol. It won't turn you into the most interesting person in the world instantly, but it will help you relax up to a point. The real magic trick is knowing where that point is, and stopping there.

01-24-2016, 12:51 AM
Smoke weed instead ;)

01-24-2016, 08:24 AM
I don't know if it is exactly proven to reduce social anxiety, but there is definitely a lowering of inhibitions in general. From my observations and experience, people are generally more relaxed and social when they have had a few drinks. The only problem is if you are using it deliberately to become more social, it could become a crutch. I'm not a big drinker - but have no real objections to light to moderate responsible use of alcohol. It won't turn you into the most interesting person in the world instantly, but it will help you relax up to a point. The real magic trick is knowing where that point is, and stopping there.

Okay thanks a bunch. I will take that in consideration.

01-27-2016, 07:59 AM
I am a social drinker, drink once week with friends for dinner or clubbing, no more than 3 to 4 drinks I have to get home safely. That said I just celebrated a birthday...friends let me blow it out and over indulge...I did not have to drive. We went clubbing, i asked a strange woman to dance and gave her my number(she never called me darn) Anyway these are things I would have not been able to do most of the time...I will go out a nd try to work up courage to speak to woman i am interested in and just end up sitting there all night. Alcohol is not the answer, but yes it does help with my social anxiety...also remember it affects different people different ways.

01-28-2016, 03:09 AM
I absolutely despise socializing I know it is needed but does alochol help minimize being socially awkwardness as well.

Socializing is such a huge burden for us introverts. I usually don't socialize with people unless I have too. What I'd do at those occasions is to pick one or two people and try to talk with them for as long as possible. That way I'd feel at ease that I don't look like I'm an outcast standing awkwardly in the corner, and at the same time, I'm not pushing myself too hard to talk to a big group of people either. To me that's a win-win right there.

In term of using alcohol, I know I'm a light drinker so I don't drink too much. You could certainly have a shot mix with fruit juice. It'll help you relax as you chat with the one or two pick-of-the-day people. And don't stay for too long. I'd say only spend at most 3 hours and then go home. These are just what I'd do. Good luck!