View Full Version : Update Sleep issues and Anxiety

01-22-2016, 07:08 AM
Recently and finally diagnosed with a sleep disorder, I never reach the stage of REM sleep, So I am always tired and sleepy. Anyway I have been sleeping 4 nights now using a CPAP machine. My sleep is much better, and I am no longer sleepy when I wake up, also noticing I m not as anxious in the mornings. I am still on sleep meds and anxiety meds. I am going to try this weekend with no sleep meds and see what happens. Depending on how that goes, when I see DR next month we will discuss weening off of the anxiety meds and see how that goes. I am still tired (lack of energy) this is something new that occurred in last 2 years...I believe it may be hormone related as i tested below normal, also will discuss with DR on ways to get the levels back up or if I am a candidate for TRT. Will keep yall posted.

01-22-2016, 09:38 AM
I have sleep issues and anxiety issues too. Keep us posted.

cloudy black
01-22-2016, 12:01 PM
i have had problems at night for longest time (2013) a have stretches when i have an utter sense of gloom and rapid thinking and it reached its head over christmas and new year. something changed and it wasn't good. long story short went to the doc who has put me on Mirtazpine. im not happy being on legal drugs from the doc but i have got to break this as i could stay awake 24 hours. so now i have taken the med. i now am kept awake with restless legs instead!!

hoping to go down the alternative route as a long term thing with mh. medication is not the long term solution for me at least. have made this clear to the doc and have given the doc a letter just to emphasise i mean business. i have stated my goals and i will not be talked out of it basically. being sad and not on drugs is one thing but being on drugs and sad still is quite another.

01-27-2016, 08:24 AM
Yesterday made a week of using CPAP machine...boy has it made a difference. I am not constantly sleepy and I do not feel as anxious. So all good so far. I tried to not use sleep meds last weekend...it did not go to well though, I am now starting to slowly wean off of them. Next on list is to get my T levels up to at least normal an 80 year old man has higher levels than me, I think I have always been low...I think there is a link...seeing Doc next month to see what i can do to get up into a normal range for my age 50.

01-27-2016, 09:09 AM
Thanks for the update.

01-27-2016, 09:56 AM
i have had problems at night for longest time (2013) a have stretches when i have an utter sense of gloom and rapid thinking and it reached its head over christmas and new year. something changed and it wasn't good. long story short went to the doc who has put me on Mirtazpine. im not happy being on legal drugs from the doc but i have got to break this as i could stay awake 24 hours. so now i have taken the med. i now am kept awake with restless legs instead!!

hoping to go down the alternative route as a long term thing with mh. medication is not the long term solution for me at least. have made this clear to the doc and have given the doc a letter just to emphasise i mean business. i have stated my goals and i will not be talked out of it basically. being sad and not on drugs is one thing but being on drugs and sad still is quite another.

Good move. It took years to finally find a DR who took my sleep issues seriously, finally found one willing to order a sleep study, instead of pushing a pill, or tell me just relax....turns out my oxygen levels dropped to low for me to ever reach "real sleep" cant think of name. Anyway i am also not dreaming at least not remembering any, that's a huge change.

cloudy black
01-27-2016, 10:27 AM
Yesterday made a week of using CPAP machine...boy has it made a difference. I am not constantly sleepy and I do not feel as anxious. So all good so far. I tried to not use sleep meds last weekend...it did not go to well though, I am now starting to slowly wean off of them. Next on list is to get my T levels up to at least normal an 80 year old man has higher levels than me, I think I have always been low...I think there is a link...seeing Doc next month to see what i can do to get up into a normal range for my age 50.

0oooooook so what is a CPAP machine?

01-27-2016, 02:18 PM
0oooooook so what is a CPAP machine?

Its a machine that provides extra oxygen to you while you sleep. It forces air into you nostrils( sounds worse than it is). This is a link to a sleep clinic that explains it better than I can.


01-28-2016, 02:26 AM
I also have sleep issues whenever I get too anxious. I admire your bravery for working to get off the meds. It takes a lot of effort and determination. I know many others who are unable to do what you do. Keep up the good work and be our inspiration. Cheers!

01-29-2016, 09:39 AM
So far so good...and I should be freaking out right now. The joy of middle age..recently diagnosed with prostasitis , on my 4th round of antibiotics and just recently started leaking a little...one of my biggest fears, due to trauma from being a late bed wetter as a child and just being accused of being to lazy to get up a got to bathroom(compassion was used sparingly in my family) and a 2nd grade teacher who wanted me to learn control and would not let me go to restroom when i needed to go, I only got to go after I wet myself...so needless to say I have bathroom issues. However I am not shut up in my house hiding out of fear, I'm at work and will be going out tonight, I am dealing with it rather than it dealing with me. So more sleep better sleep has definitely help anxiety levels and coping skills.