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09-21-2008, 02:56 AM

09-21-2008, 09:43 AM
How exactly have you been feeling unreal?

09-21-2008, 01:28 PM
Hey cherl, I had derealization for 4 years, completely recovered now and to be honist, the psychistrist is kind of correct, it will eventually fade away, but you have to be pro-active, go out as much as you can and just live as normally as you can.. What you must do is try not to worry about it, otherwise it will come back.. Just think to yourself 'it's just a feeling, caused by anxiety' and the derealization will decrease, trust me.

The only reason why i don't have it anymore is because eventually i accepted it, and now, i don't give a shit if i feel like it and as a result i feel perfectly fine!

Don't stress over it, i know how it feels....everyhing fake etc..... you'll be fine matey, it will go soon, your doing the right things! any probs about this give me a message, ive been there and done it!

09-22-2008, 01:24 AM
Hey cherl, I had derealization for 4 years, completely recovered now and to be honist, the psychistrist is kind of correct, it will eventually fade away, but you have to be pro-active, go out as much as you can and just live as normally as you can.. What you must do is try not to worry about it, otherwise it will come back.. Just think to yourself 'it's just a feeling, caused by anxiety' and the derealization will decrease, trust me.

The only reason why i don't have it anymore is because eventually i accepted it, and now, i don't give a shit if i feel like it and as a result i feel perfectly fine!

Don't stress over it, i know how it feels....everyhing fake etc..... you'll be fine matey, it will go soon, your doing the right things! any probs about this give me a message, ive been there and done it!

Athough most anxiety sufferers rate derealization as worse than panic attacks, acceptance truly IS key to recovery. As your anxiety decreases, so will feelings of unreality. So it is best to try not to react to unreality with fear, regardless of how disturbing it feels. By not reacting with fear, you reduce your overall stress levels, which reduces anxiety. And reduced anxiety means reduced unreality. Just keep in mind that, like ALL aspects of anxiety disorder, the feelings of unreality will NOT go away quickly. Be prepared to live with it for some time to come.

09-22-2008, 04:45 AM
spot on robbed :)

09-22-2008, 06:20 AM

09-22-2008, 08:02 AM
Thank you so much for your kind replies. They mean a lot to me. :)

Today I was really frustrated about feeling unreal because I thought I couldn't bear it anymore, but after reading all your responses I realized I had to accept things as they were instead of getting frustrated. It's still hard for me as this is a rough time in my life, but it really helps to talk about here on this forum.

I guess I should just act normal. It's still disturbing to me, but I'll try my best to convince myself it is merely a feeling...nothing more. I'll try to go to school with a smile tomorrow. :D

Don't act anything.... also don't ignore it. As i said previously, just accept that it's there and that nothing is going to happen to you, don't feel scared! your perfectly fine. Accept that it isn't going to go over night and that it may take a while.
Just plod along with the day as if you weren't feeling like this, and you'll soon feel a difference.. Keep us updated with your progress, hope your feeling fine soon! :)

09-23-2008, 01:58 AM
Don't act anything.... also don't ignore it. As i said previously, just accept that it's there and that nothing is going to happen to you, don't feel scared! your perfectly fine. Accept that it isn't going to go over night and that it may take a while.
Just plod along with the day as if you weren't feeling like this, and you'll soon feel a difference.. Keep us updated with your progress, hope your feeling fine soon! :)

Also, realize that true acceptance cannot be turned on like a light switch. Most of the time, it takes some time to develop a true feeling of acceptance. Just try to accept it as much as you can - even if only a little. With time, you will accept more, and fight and fear less.