View Full Version : Flush Face?

01-18-2016, 04:09 PM
So I am not all that new to this anxiety, however I have been noticing my symptoms are changing, well I guess you would say, they are multiplaying :( I suffer with health anxiety, pretty bad, but the last week I have noticed that my face, neck and chest gets hot and blotching and my face feels likes its on fire! Which I assume is a sign of anxiety, however I am the Google queen and of course it makes me panic!

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?

01-18-2016, 05:14 PM
I also have pretty bad health anxiety, but have never had this. When I was on SSRI's my face, skin and body in general were hot all the time and red. So could be drugs, could be anxiety, but I doubt it is anything else unrelated.

01-18-2016, 07:20 PM
I'm no doctor, but I am fairly confident the symptoms you are experiencing are all part of your anxiety and is nothing to get worried about. Easier said than done right? It's difficult because we are so hyper sensitive to our bodies. One little thing changes and we freak out. I understand because I do the same thing. Anxiety can do so many things to our bodies it's hard to believe sometimes that there is not something major going on, but there isn't! It's Anxiety!!! Get pissed and don't let it win!

Just my 2 cents... :D

01-18-2016, 07:41 PM
I also have pretty bad health anxiety, but have never had this. When I was on SSRI's my face, skin and body in general were hot all the time and red. So could be drugs, could be anxiety, but I doubt it is anything else unrelated.

Thank you for your reply, I am only on birth control and tecta for acid reflux :( I am too scared to try anything haha
It is just weird because I have never experienced this before this passed little bit! :(

01-18-2016, 07:44 PM
I'm no doctor, but I am fairly confident the symptoms you are experiencing are all part of your anxiety and is nothing to get worried about. Easier said than done right? It's difficult because we are so hyper sensitive to our bodies. One little thing changes and we freak out. I understand because I do the same thing. Anxiety can do so many things to our bodies it's hard to believe sometimes that there is not something major going on, but there isn't! It's Anxiety!!! Get pissed and don't let it win!

Just my 2 cents... :D

Haha, "nothing to get worried about" oh how I wish there was a switch I could flick off when all this starts :( I have always worried about my blood pressure, but I have learned not to take it when I am feeling anxious :(

01-18-2016, 08:43 PM
I used to take my blood pressure 50 times a day, and that's no exaggeration! Ya know what I got out of it? A soar arm! Lol

Don't get me wrong, I still struggle with my health anxiety on a daily basis, but not nearly the level as it once was. Do you see a therapist or have family that you can talk to about the way you feel?

01-18-2016, 09:18 PM
I used to take my blood pressure 50 times a day, and that's no exaggeration! Ya know what I got out of it? A soar arm! Lol

Don't get me wrong, I still struggle with my health anxiety on a daily basis, but not nearly the level as it once was. Do you see a therapist or have family that you can talk to about the way you feel?
We all do, everyone of us has Health anxiety, it comes together with general anxiety.
Tremor today I had avoid taking the bp, cause I can not change it, rather the opposite. If I see it spiking it will spike more. :))

01-19-2016, 05:02 PM
I used to take my blood pressure 50 times a day, and that's no exaggeration! Ya know what I got out of it? A soar arm! Lol

Don't get me wrong, I still struggle with my health anxiety on a daily basis, but not nearly the level as it once was. Do you see a therapist or have family that you can talk to about the way you feel?

Thank you. Luckily I have a great family...although they don't all suffer with anxiety so it's hard for me to make them understand what kind of hell this really is! I get "just go and calm down in a dark room and you will feel better" quite often, like I can just switch it off :( I also I have a wonderful boyfriend who doesn't understand, but will always listen and rub my back when I need it.
I am just finishing up a 10week Cbt class which has been very helpful, but I guess I am just looking for a "cure" I want to be back to my fun, loving, carefree life I had :(

Do you suffer with high blood pressure?

01-20-2016, 11:50 AM
Thank you. Luckily I have a great family...although they don't all suffer with anxiety so it's hard for me to make them understand what kind of hell this really is! I get "just go and calm down in a dark room and you will feel better" quite often, like I can just switch it off :( I also I have a wonderful boyfriend who doesn't understand, but will always listen and rub my back when I need it.
I am just finishing up a 10week Cbt class which has been very helpful, but I guess I am just looking for a "cure" I want to be back to my fun, loving, carefree life I had :(

Do you suffer with high blood pressure?

It's always nice to have a good support system. I have to admit, my wife is the best. I don't know how she does it. But as corny as it sounds, I think women are better at listening and understanding. The CBT class sounds awesome! I see a psychologist, one on one, but I have always said that I thought a class with my peers that are going through the same things as me would be so helpful! Nice job on getting out there and doing it!

As for do I have high blood pressure? Kind of, so I will say "Yes". When my anxiety first started I didn't know what was happening to me and didn't know how to react to it all. My blood pressure and heart rate would spike kind of high, so my doctor decided to put me on a beta blocker. I remember taking my blood pressure one time during an anxiety attack... lol It was 170/110!!! I don't recommend doing that... lol For the most part though, it's under control.

01-20-2016, 03:43 PM
It's always nice to have a good support system. I have to admit, my wife is the best. I don't know how she does it. But as corny as it sounds, I think women are better at listening and understanding. The CBT class sounds awesome! I see a psychologist, one on one, but I have always said that I thought a class with my peers that are going through the same things as me would be so helpful! Nice job on getting out there and doing it!

As for do I have high blood pressure? Kind of, so I will say "Yes". When my anxiety first started I didn't know what was happening to me and didn't know how to react to it all. My blood pressure and heart rate would spike kind of high, so my doctor decided to put me on a beta blocker. I remember taking my blood pressure one time during an anxiety attack... lol It was 170/110!!! I don't recommend doing that... lol For the most part though, it's under control.

Yes, I don't take any medications as far as my anxiety goes, I tried a Ativan once and I panicked even more...I'm not good at trying new medications :( which is why o decided on a CBT class, I needed to do something!
I have done my blood pressure and it was up around yours, my doctor wanted me to try taking my bp when I wasnt in a panic and it runs around 130-140/ 78-88, so I guess that's ok for now, but through my class I have learned not to take it when I am feeling anxious.