View Full Version : I don't know how to feel anymore

Becky Golding
01-18-2016, 05:59 AM
I'm 21 and a third year sport science student, I'm finding my final year really hard. I got a bad grade on my first piece of work and its made me feel so rubbish. I spend a lot of time doing my work and I rushed because I panicked about getting it in on time. My tutor spoke to me and said I need help on my work, Which I totally agree but I wish to complete my degree and over come my problems. I feel ever so stupid and i worry about what my tutors think of me, wither I should be there or not.

I have issues at home so when I do come back for a brake, it results in splitting up fights or feeling like I'm doing wrong by keeping away, this Christmas was hell and I just wish I never came back to it all.

I have a supportive boyfriend but I don't want to put everything on him, we have only been together for 9 months and I struggle to trust people as I have been hurt in the past and lied to numerous times. I'm grateful for everything he's done and how good he has been but I find myself getting more feelings and I end up pushing him away to save myself getting hurt again. The more feelings I get the more worried I get.

I know its not long and I will look back and be happy but I'm so scare to fail and get hurt, I just wish i knew what to do to learn to trust people and stop worrying what people think so much.

Thank you for your time.

01-18-2016, 06:16 AM
I'm 21 and a third year sport science student, I'm finding my final year really hard. I got a bad grade on my first piece of work and its made me feel so rubbish. I spend a lot of time doing my work and I rushed because I panicked about getting it in on time. My tutor spoke to me and said I need help on my work, Which I totally agree but I wish to complete my degree and over come my problems. I feel ever so stupid and i worry about what my tutors think of me, wither I should be there or not.

I have issues at home so when I do come back for a brake, it results in splitting up fights or feeling like I'm doing wrong by keeping away, this Christmas was hell and I just wish I never came back to it all.

I have a supportive boyfriend but I don't want to put everything on him, we have only been together for 9 months and I struggle to trust people as I have been hurt in the past and lied to numerous times. I'm grateful for everything he's done and how good he has been but I find myself getting more feelings and I end up pushing him away to save myself getting hurt again. The more feelings I get the more worried I get.

I know its not long and I will look back and be happy but I'm so scare to fail and get hurt, I just wish i knew what to do to learn to trust people and stop worrying what people think so much.

Thank you for your time.

Unfortunately, worrying is a part of life. I struggle myself at the moment with my own anxiety and I have really good days and really bad days. The thing that helps me to divert some of my worries is keeping myself busy and actively relaxing. Since worries fuel your anxiety, it may help you feel a little relief from it all. However, the only way it is going to work is to fully let yourself relax without resistance. I know it is hard, trust me I'm struggling myself at the moment, but at least you have some relief and a few moments where you can think clearly.

What I also find helpful is reading other people's post on the forum and offering some of my insight. It helps me look at my particular problem in a different light.

The Intolerable Kid
01-20-2016, 10:34 AM
Have you considered medication? Even a natural, over the counter type like Valerian root pills can provide some relief.
Also keep in mind that in 100 years who will care that you got a bad grade? It's all a matter of perspective.