View Full Version : What is the best course of action when trying to get over a trauma?

01-16-2016, 06:38 AM
As the title suggests, what do I do about Trauma as a result of bullying?
I come from the worst place on earth, a place that always have been bad for me, they never treated me well.
I... I need to get over it, I mean for goodness sake, they treated me as if I was mentally challenged at times, even though I am just very empathic and highly suggestible (I think thats the right word?).
I am terrified by walking past kids because they might start treating me like I am mentally handicapped, I am terrified with saying my word at times because I am so used to people correcting me.

I dont know, should I go to someone? should I get someone to talk to? or are there things I can do myself which are helpful?
Are there some excercises which I can do in order to get better? not as a substitute to therapy, but as a tool for when I am not able to get to one?

01-16-2016, 07:02 AM
As the title suggests, what do I do about Trauma as a result of bullying?
I come from the worst place on earth, a place that always have been bad for me, they never treated me well.
I... I need to get over it, I mean for goodness sake, they treated me as if I was mentally challenged at times, even though I am just very empathic and highly suggestible (I think thats the right word?).
I am terrified by walking past kids because they might start treating me like I am mentally handicapped, I am terrified with saying my word at times because I am so used to people correcting me.

I dont know, should I go to someone? should I get someone to talk to? or are there things I can do myself which are helpful?
Are there some excercises which I can do in order to get better? not as a substitute to therapy, but as a tool for when I am not able to get to one?

I would suggest CBT therapy for this kind of thing. As a victim of bullying myself, I know the impact it can have on your psyche.

01-16-2016, 11:07 AM
As the title suggests, what do I do about Trauma as a result of bullying?
I come from the worst place on earth, a place that always have been bad for me, they never treated me well.
I... I need to get over it, I mean for goodness sake, they treated me as if I was mentally challenged at times, even though I am just very empathic and highly suggestible (I think thats the right word?).
I am terrified by walking past kids because they might start treating me like I am mentally handicapped, I am terrified with saying my word at times because I am so used to people correcting me.

I dont know, should I go to someone? should I get someone to talk to? or are there things I can do myself which are helpful?
Are there some excercises which I can do in order to get better? not as a substitute to therapy, but as a tool for when I am not able to get to one?

You should report the incidents to people who can help. We're all humans. Don't be scared of people that aren't worth your time. Some bullies feed on fear. They see the fear and they see the dominance and know they can get away with it. They also believe it enhances their appearance.

Bullies are cowards.

01-16-2016, 12:42 PM
You should report the incidents to people who can help. We're all humans. Don't be scared of people that aren't worth your time. Some bullies feed on fear. They see the fear and they see the dominance and know they can get away with it. They also believe it enhances their appearance.

Bullies are cowards.

Couldn't have said it better.

01-16-2016, 02:11 PM
I'm with them--bullies are cowards!

I'm barely over five feet tall and there is exactly nothing imposing or intimidating about my appearance. I have found, however, that there is a specific way of walking that can clear me a path through even fairly dense crowds. I straighten my back, push my shoulders outward as best I can, fix my gaze not on the horizon but just below it, and walk slightly stiff-legged. I've had friends who knew me for years ask how I could "make a hole" in a crowd without a word, and that's how I did it. A long coat, especially if it's black, really seems to help with this technique.

Another thing I've found helpful (and mentioned on several other threads) is therapeutic creative writing. Turn your bullies and bad memories into antagonist characters and then tear apart the lives you imagine them to lead. Make your worst nightmare into something YOU alone control and see if it helps! No one can challenge you, much less hurt you, for ruining lives YOU invented that exist only on paper, or as data files--and if fictional characters die, nobody gets arrested in real life. Writing for publication is totally different, pretty much requiring you to allow other people's opinions to alter your writing, but I personally do not write for publication. My 10th-grade English teacher suggested writing for stress relief and I've been working with the same character group since. Nobody gets to tell me my writing's not good enough, or my characters should behave differently, because they are MY "imaginary friends" and rarely shared with others.

Also, I think 'suggestible' is a VERY appropriate word for what it sounds like you go through. I had that experience quite young, moving from a large urban area to a minuscule tourist trap where I was seen as weird and unwelcome and oversensitive. If I had a nickel for every time a teacher or school counselor from grade 4 onward told me "just don't let them get to you", I wouldn't NEED to be on disability in order to make my rent.

Jessica Marie Rideout
01-20-2016, 09:47 AM
As the title suggests, what do I do about Trauma as a result of bullying?
I come from the worst place on earth, a place that always have been bad for me, they never treated me well.
I... I need to get over it, I mean for goodness sake, they treated me as if I was mentally challenged at times, even though I am just very empathic and highly suggestible (I think thats the right word?).
I am terrified by walking past kids because they might start treating me like I am mentally handicapped, I am terrified with saying my word at times because I am so used to people correcting me.

I dont know, should I go to someone? should I get someone to talk to? or are there things I can do myself which are helpful?
Are there some excercises which I can do in order to get better? not as a substitute to therapy, but as a tool for when I am not able to get to one?

First off,i am sorry you have people treating you so poorly! please remember that what they say and do are wrong! like others have said please go to the proper people and let them know what is going on! I was one who never did and if I could go back I would have.
Remember that you are unique and awesome and not the vision of those who hurt you!
As for doing things for yourself,just do what you love and do it whenever you can,find new hobbies if that interests you too! and most of all hang in there!

01-20-2016, 05:30 PM
Quoting Jessica: Remember that you are unique and awesome and not the vision of those who hurt you!


Finding someone you can comfortably speak with honestly, whether or not they're a mental health professional, is also crucially important to many anxiety sufferers no matter what form that suffering takes.

Hobbies are awesome too. Mine include creative writing (not for publication), nature/wildlife/macro photography, rockhounding, and being WAY too fond of Godzilla movies. (I think I now own 23 or 24 out of about 33 total in the franchise...)