View Full Version : Anxiety as a symptom of depression

01-14-2016, 06:07 PM
HI! I have been struggling with anxiety all through my teenage years. I have learned how to deal with it and it has gone away for a few months at a time before but it's back now and it's different. I'm 20 now. This most recent bout of anxiety has been particularly bad - I have been finding it difficult to leave the house. I've been seeing a new counsellor and he has picked up on some symptoms of depression. He said that, what I thought was another bout of anxiety, seems like depression with a lot of physical symptoms. He said that the anxiety seems to have been brought on by the depression and the reason why I can't control my panic attacks this time is because I haven't considered and treated the depression. This is really interesting to me and I haven't heard about this happening before. I know that depression and anxiety go hand in hand, but I had never considered anxiety to be a symptom of depression rather than a separate entity. The new diagnosis has given me a bit of hope that I can improve. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I would love to know if treating depression alleviated your anxiety and what helped. Thanks :)

01-19-2016, 06:51 AM
No one else? I'm doomed lol

01-19-2016, 10:14 AM
While I haven't been given a similar diagnosis (I have some symptoms of depression too but I'm not sure what came first), I'm sure the situation you've described is common. Anxiety and depression are certainly often related and the combination can be different in each person's case. Understanding what is a result of what is probably helpful in making you eventually feel better, so you can address the underlying issues.

Just wanted to give you at least one reply, though I'm by no means an expert in this and can't really offer ideas on anything specific that might help.

01-19-2016, 10:33 AM
You are not doomed. If you treat the depression, it will most certainly help your anxiety. I have what is called "depression as secondary to anxiety." But when my anxiety is treated with an antidepressant, it relieves the anxiety to a great extent.