View Full Version : Irrational fear?

Jesse Leigh
01-13-2016, 04:04 AM
Hi guys,

So these past few weeks I've had a fear return to me, one that I thought may have left me but it would seem not. A few years ago, I dealt with a crippling fear of having HIV. Yes, I have had sexual partner in the past and some were unprotected- I did go and get myself tested at a clinic for everything, which took me quite awhile to build up to and everything came back negative and the relief I felt was overwhelming.

Lately, I've had the fear of having HIV come back to me. My mind keeps racing with thoughts such as what if it was actually a false negative, what if they did the test wrong and I have do have HIV or maybe they gave me someone else's test results without realising it, what if one test wasn't enough or in the time I was last tested I may have contracted the disease despite having no sexual partners and never using intravenous drugs. I've gotten tattoos, cosmetic injections and blood tests done in that time but all from reputable places that no doubt follow the proper health and safety procedures.

I've gone and booked myself in for another test early next week just to make sure.

Am I being completely irrational and has my anxiety gotten out of control again or perhaps my fear isn't completely insane?

I'd love to hear from people who have dealt with something similar.

01-13-2016, 09:19 AM
Going for another test sounds like a good plan to me. That was you can be sure and feel reassured.